

Armenia-Azerbaijan Border Tensions: Recent Escalation and Casualties

Recent border skirmishes between Armenia and Azerbaijan have resulted in casualties and heightened tensions. Learn about the latest developments and calls for restraint from global powers.

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New Caledonia France

France Declares State of Emergency in New Caledonia: Chaos Unleashed

France declares state of emergency in New Caledonia after protests turn violent. Troops deployed, TikTok banned, and unrest escalates.

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New Caledonia

New Caledonia Chaos: From Protests to French Police Arrival

Chaos erupts in New Caledonia as protests turn violent, French police intervene to subdue the riots. What sparked the uprising and how are external factors influencing the situation? Get the latest on the turmoil in Kanaky!

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France Takes Action in New Caledonia Amid Deadly Riots: What's Azerbaijan's Role?

France launches crackdown in New Caledonia as deadly riots rage, with accusations against Azerbaijan stirring up controversy. Read more about the unfolding situation!

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