
Gold rate

Budget 2024: Gold Dips Like Your Best Friend in a Pond!

Gold rates take a splash after Budget 2024 - find out how finance moves can save your jewelry stash!

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Custom duty on gold

Gold Rush: Customs Duty Cut Makes Bling More Affordable!

Thanks to Budget 2024, gold and silver prices drop, and jewellery stocks are beaming! Check out the latest updates and what it means for your wallet!

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Gold Takes a Dive! But Wait, There's a Shiny Side!

Gold prices drop, customs duties slashed, and jewelry stocks gleam! Discover whatโ€™s happening in the world of gold investments.

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Gold prices

Gold Prices Take a Plunge: Shopping Spree or Save the Cash?

Gold prices have taken a nosedive post-budget announcement! Can this be a blessing in disguise for Indian shoppers?

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