

Vadodara Boat Tragedy: Heartbreak and Allegations Rock Gujarat

Heart-wrenching details emerge as the Vadodara boat tragedy shakes Gujarat. Parents allege negligence, while authorities face scrutiny. Chaos prevails as investigations continue.

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Japan Earthquake

Chaotic Japan: Quakes and Tsunamis Strike, Residents Flee

Shaking up Japan: Massive earthquakes and tsunami warnings lead to chaotic evacuations. Find out more about the stunning events in Japan!

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NDRF Ramps Up Training for Victim Identification - A Game-Changer!

Exciting news from NDRF as they enhance their rescuers' skills in victim identification!

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Tragedy Strikes Rajkot Gaming Zone: 27 Lives Lost in Devastating Fire

A heartbreaking incident in Rajkot's gaming zone claims 27 lives, including children, in a massive fire.

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