Repo rate

2022 - 8 - 5

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Image courtesy of "Hindustan Times"

RBI hikes repo rate by 50 bps to 5.4%, highest level since pre-Covid (Hindustan Times)

The Reserve Bank of India on Friday increased the policy repo rate by 50 basis points to 5.4 per cent, governor Shaktikanta Das announced.

Since May, the central bank has raised benchmark rate by 1.40 per cent. The Reserve Bank of India on Friday increased the policy repo rate by 50 basis points to 5.4 per cent, governor Shaktikanta Das announced. The WPI reading was at 15.18 per cent in June. “Indian economy has been grappling with high inflation,” the governor said. The latest RBI action follows the Bank of England raising rate by 50 basis points, the biggest hike in 27 years, to 1.75 per cent. In simple words, repo rate is the interest charged by the Reserve Bank of India when commercial banks borrow from them by selling their securities to the central bank.

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Image courtesy of "Economic Times"

Are FD rates headed towards 8% after RBI repo rate hike? (Economic Times)

A reliable signal for long term interest rate is the 10-year G-sec yield, which registered a peak of 7.475% recently on July 11, 2022.

As the momentum of the interest rate hike looks strong it is not farfetched to expect the interest rate to reach closer to 8% within 1-2 years. Once these FDs mature and you get a better rate at the time of renewal you can book longer term FDs. Though a rate hike is welcome news for depositors, however, it comes with a fair share of dilemmas. In a growing rate scenario, it is better to book FDs with short tenure so that it can benefit from the hike during the investment period. Whenever policy rates start going up it is the lending rates that see quicker transmission while the rate transmission is slower in FD rates. There is usually a lag when the banks start passing on the benefit of a rate hike to the depositors. However, going forward if the RBI keeps raising rates gradually, banks will be compelled to raise their deposit interest rates as well. "The case of magnitude of rate hikes in front of RBI is slightly more complicated by currency considerations, where I believe India will have to be directionally in line with global central banks, while the quantum of action to be suited for our own economy. The likelihood of FD rates touching 8% will depend on how long this rate hike cycle will continue. A reliable signal for long term interest rate is the 10-year G-sec yield, which registered a peak of 7.475% recently on July 11, 2022. For instance, the highest rate offered to general citizen by The era of extremely low FD rates is now certainly behind us, and FD investors can expect better days ahead.

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Image courtesy of "Livemint"

RBI set to hike policy repo rates, third time in a row to tame inflation ... (Livemint)

While the hike in policy interest rates is almost certain, analysts and economists have different opinions on the extent of the rate hike.

This was the first increase in the policy repo rate in nearly two years. If the RBI chooses to hike the policy repo rate on Friday, it will be the third hike in a row. This will take the terminal rate to 5.90 per cent by the end of FY23. In its off-cycle monetary policy review in May, the RBI hiked the policy repo rate by 40 basis points or 0.40 per cent. "From to hike or not earlier this year, the key question for policymakers is how much to hike! "We expect RBI MPC to hike benchmark repo rate by 50 bps as CPI continues to rule above RBIs threshold band.

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Image courtesy of "आज तक"

RBI Repo Rate Hike: बस कुछ घंटे की मोहलत, फिर इतनी बढ़ने वाली है ... (आज तक)

मई 2022 की बैठक में रिजर्व बैंक ने रेपो रेट को 0.40 फीसदी बढ़ाया था. उसके बाद जून महीने में ...

रिजर्व बैंक ने महंगाई को काबू करने के लिए इस साल मई महीने से रेपो रेट को बढ़ाने (Repo Rate Hike) की शुरुआत की है. रिजर्व बैंक ने मई महीने में मौद्रिक नीति समिति की आपात बैठक (RBI MPC Meeting) बुलाई थी. महंगाई बेहिसाब बढ़ जाने के कारण रिजर्व बैंक को ऐसा करना पड़ा था. मई 2022 की बैठक में रिजर्व बैंक ने रेपो रेट को 0.40 फीसदी बढ़ाया था. उसके बाद जून महीने में मौद्रिक नीति समिति की नियमित बैठक हुई, जिसमें रेपो रेट को 0.50 फीसदी बढ़ाया गया. आरबीआई ने मई महीने में करीब दो साल बाद पहली बार रेपो रेट में बदलाव किया था. करीब दो साल तक रेपो रेट महज 4 फीसदी पर बना रहा था. अभी रेपो रेट 4.90 फीसदी है. कई एनालिस्ट का कहना है कि आरबीआई अगस्त बैठक में ब्याज दरों को 0.35% से 0.50% तक बढ़ाने के बाद आगे भी इसी ट्रेंड पर चल सकता है. अगर रेपो रेट इसी तरह बढ़ता रहा तो बैंक भी ब्याज दरें बढ़ाते रहेंगे. ब्याज दरें बढ़ने का सीधा असर उन लोगों के ऊपर होगा, जो होम लोन (Home Loan) या पर्सनल लोन (Personal Loan) की ईएमआई (EMI) चुका रहे हैं. इसके अलावा जो लोग आने वाले समय में घर या कार खरीदने की योजना बना रहे हैं, उनके ऊपर भी बढ़ी ईएमआई का बोझ पड़ना तय है. क्रेडिट रेटिंग एजेंसी इक्रा के अनुसार, मौद्रिक नीति समिति के सदस्य 0.35 फीसदी से 0.50 फीसदी तक रेपो रेट को बढ़ाने के पक्ष में वोट कर सकते हैं. इक्रा की चीफ इकोनॉमिस्ट अदिति नायर की मानें तो इस बार भी आरबीआई रेपो दर में 0.50% तक की बढ़ोतरी कर सकता है. इक्रा के अनुसार, रिजर्व बैंक के मौद्रिक नीति समिति फेडरल रिजर्व के रेट हाइक की रफ्तार से ज्यादा तवज्जो घरेलू इकोनॉमिक ग्रोथ और महंगाई के संतुलन को देगी. रिजर्व बैंक दरें तय करते समय रुपये की चाल पर भी गौर करेगा. अमेरिका की तुलना में ब्याज दरों की खाई अधिक होने से विदेशी निवेशकों की बिकवाली को बल मिल सकता है, जो रुपये की वैल्यू और भारत के विदेशी मुद्रा भंडार दोनों के लिए बुरा साबित होगा. सरकार और रिजर्व बैंक के प्रयासों के बाद महंगाई (Inflation) धीरे-धीरे काबू में आने लगी है. हालांकि दूसरी ओर अमेरिकी सेंट्रल बैंक फेडरल रिजर्व समेत कई देशों के सेंट्रल बैंक आक्रामक तरीके से ब्याज दरें बढ़ा रहे हैं. फेडरल रिजर्व ने अमेरिका में ऐतिहासिक महंगाई के चलते लगातार ब्याज दरें बढ़ा रहा है. बैंक ऑफ इंग्लैंड ने भी इसी सप्ताह ब्याज दर में रिकॉर्ड 27 साल की सबसे बड़ी बढ़ोतरी का ऐलान किया है. इस कारण लगभग सारे एनालिस्ट यह तय मान रहे हैं कि रेपो रेट बढ़ेगा (Repo Rate Hike) ही. पिछली बार यानी जून बैठक की तरह इस बार भी यह सवाल ही नहीं है कि रेपो रेट बढ़ेगा, स्थिर रहेगा या कम होगा. इस बार भी रेपो रेट का बढ़ना तय है, हालांकि यह कितना बढ़ेगा, इस पर एनालिस्ट एकमत नहीं हैं. ज्यादातर एनालिस्ट यही मान रहे हैं कि रिजर्व बैंक इस बार रेपो रेट को 0.35 फीसदी से 0.50 फीसदी तक बढ़ा सकता है. रिजर्व बैंक की मौद्रिक नीति समिति (RBI MPC Meeting) की अगस्त 2022 की तय बैठक थोड़ी देर में संपन्न होने वाली है. अब बस कुछ ही घंटों का इंतजार बाकी है, उसके बाद पता चल जाएगा कि इस बार लोगों के ऊपर ब्याज का बोझ (Interest Rate Hike) कितना और बढ़ने वाला है. बुधवार से चल रही तीन दिनों की बैठक के बाद आज सुबह 10 बजे रिजर्व बैंक के गवर्नर शक्तिकांत दास (RBI Governor Shaktikant Das) लिए गए निर्णयों की जानकारी देंगे. पहले यह बैठक सोमवार से बुधवार तक होने वाली थी, लेकिन कुछ कारणों से इसे टालना पड़ा था.

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Image courtesy of "अमर उजाला"

RBI Repo Rate: आरबीआई ने रेपो रेट 50 बेसिस प्वाइंट बढ़ाकर 5.4% किया ... (अमर उजाला)

RBI Repo Rate: आरबीआई गवर्नर ने तीन दिनों (तीन अगस्त से पांच अगस्त) तक चली एमपीसी की बैठक के ...

20 लाख (अब) 20 लाख (पहले) 10 लाख (अब) 20 साल 10 लाख (पहले) 20 साल

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Image courtesy of "ABP News"

RBI Repo Rate Hike: रिजर्व बैंक ने रेपो रेट 0.50 फीसदी बढ़ाया, महंगा होगा ... (ABP News)

RBI Repo Rate Hike: रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया ने आज अपनी मौद्रिक नीति समिति की बैठक के फैसलों का ...

रेपो रेट वह दर है जिस पर RBI द्वारा बैंकों को कर्ज दिया जाता है और बैंक इसी कर्ज से ग्राहकों को लोन देते हैं. रिवर्स रेपो रेट वह दर है जिस पर बैंकों की ओर से जमा राशि पर RBI से उन्हें ब्याज मिलता है. रेपो रेट बढ़ने का मतलब है कि बैंक से मिलने वाले कई तरह के लोन महंगे हो जाएंगे. मॉनिटरी पॉलिसी कमिटी यानी एमपीसी की तीन दिन तक चलने वाली मीटिंग में ही रेपो रेट और रिवर्स रेपो रेट पर फैसला लिया जाता है. रिजर्व बैंक की एमपीसी में 6 सदस्य होते हैं जिनमें से 3 सदस्य सरकार के प्रतिनिधि होते हैं. बाकी 3 सदस्य भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं, जिनमें आरबीआई गवर्नर भी शामिल हैं. आरबीआई गवर्नर ने कहा कि भारतीय रुपये में आ रही गिरावट के पीछे का मुख्य कारण अमेरिकी डॉलर में लगातार आ रही मजबूती है. हालांकि अन्य ग्लोबल करेंसी के मुकाबले रुपये में तुलनात्मक रूप से गिरावट कम है. आरबीआई की नीतियों के कारण रुपये में गिरावट पर लगाम लगी है. भारत में चौथा सबसे बड़ा विदेशी मुद्रा भंडार है और पहली तिमाही में देश में 1360 करोड़ डॉलर का एफडीआई निवेश आया है. शक्तिकांत दास ने कहा कि हमारी अर्थव्यवस्था के तेजी से बढ़ने का अनुमान आईएमएफ से लेकर कई संस्थाओं ने दिया है और ये सबसे तेज रफ्तार से आगे बढ़ेगी. रेपो रेट के अलावा आरबीआई ने SDF को 4.65 फीसदी से बढ़ाकर 5.15 फीसदी कर दिया है. इसके अलावा मार्जिनल स्टैंडिंग फैसिलिटी रेट यानी MSF को 5.15 फीसदी से बढ़ाकर 5.65 फीसदी कर दिया है. रिजर्व बैंक के गवर्नर शक्तिकांत दास ने कहा कि वित्त वर्ष 2023 में देश की आर्थिक विकास दर यानी जीडीपी के अनुमान को 7.2 फीसदी पर बरकररार रहने का अनुमान है. वहीं वित्त वर्ष 2023 के लिए रिटेल महंगाई दर का अनुमान 6.7 फीसदी पर बरकरार रखा गया है. RBI Monetary Policy: देश के केंद्रीय बैंक भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक के गवर्नर शक्तिकांत दास ने द्विमासिक मौद्रिक नीति समिति की बैठक के फैसलों का एलान कर दिया है. आरबीआई ने रेपो रेट में 0.50 बेसिस पॉइंट का इजाफा कर दिया है और इसे बढ़ाकर 5.40 फीसदी कर दिया है. इसका अर्थ है कि आपकी ईएमआई इसके चलते काफी बढ़ने वाली है.

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Image courtesy of "Business Today"

BREAKING: RBI increases repo rate by 50 bps to 5.40% (Business Today)

The MPC decided to focus on withdrawal of accommodation to ensure that inflation remains within the target going forward.

“The MPC also decided to remain focused on withdrawal of accommodation to ensure that inflation remains within the target going forward, while supporting growth. “On the basis of an assessment of the current and evolving macroeconomic situation, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) at its meeting today (August 5, 2022) decided to increase the policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) by 50 basis points to 5.40 per cent with immediate effect. Reserve Bank of India Governor Shaktikanta Das stated on Friday during the Monetary Policy Committee announcements that the repo rate will be increased by 50 basis points to 5.40 per cent.

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Image courtesy of "Business Standard"

Latest Live: RBI hikes repo rates by 50 bps to 5.40%; rupee ... (Business Standard)

Latest news Live updates: From Reserve Bank of India's monetary policy announcement to Covid data, catch all the latest live updates here.

The Reserve Bank of India(RBI) in the Monetary PolicyCommittee’s (MPC’s) statement on Friday announced a rate hike of 50 basis points to 5.40 per cent, highest since 2019. Das said that the consumer price inflation remains uncomfortably high and inflation is expected to remain above 6 per cent. Congress on Friday is holding a nationwide protest against the rise in inflation, GST rate and unemployment. Despite no permission from the Delhi Police, the party leaders said that they will go ahead with their proposed protest march. RBI monetary policy monetary policy

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Image courtesy of "The Indian Express"

RBI MPC Meeting Live Updates: Repo rate hiked by 50 bps to 5.40% (The Indian Express)

RBI MPC Policy Live Updates, Repo Rate Hiked: The six-member Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) headed by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das ...

- Motilal Oswal, MD and CEO at Motilal Oswal Financial Services said, “RBI in its latest MPC meeting has hiked the repo rate by 50 bps to 5.4 per cent – levels which was seen before theCovid-19pandemic. The central bank raised the interest rate for the third consecutive month since May’22 by cumulatively 140 bps in its effort to contain inflation. - D.R.E Reddy, CEO and Managing Partner at CRCL LLP said, “The RBI today increased the repo rate by another 50 bps to 5.40% with immediate effect. In his address, Das said that the MPC vote was unanimous and said that the MPC has decided to remain focused on withdrawal of the accommodative stance to check inflation. We expect RBI may not be very aggressive in its subsequent policy meets and being more data driven based on inflation numbers.” This will take the terminal rate to 5.90 percent by the end of FY23. A normal monsoon, good crop year, easing of household inflation and de-escalation of tension between Russia and Ukraine will help keep crude prices in check.” The CPI inflation for Q1 of 2023-24 is projected at 5.0 per cent. Any decrease in demand due to higher borrowing cost, should be offset by rural demand coming from a very good monsoon. This is the third rate hike by the central bank in this financial year. Speaking on inflation, the RBI governor said that retail inflation remains uncomfortably high and noted that inflation expected to remain above 6 per cent. However, this is a very prudent decision to tread through this phase of global uncertainties with extreme caution and optimism coming from easing of inflation and Rupee maintaining its strength.” If the EMI remains constant, the tenor for a 20-year loan can go up by as much as 8 years. However, he cautioned that there are risks from the ongoing Russia- Ukraine war.

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Image courtesy of "प्रभात खबर"

RBI Repo Rates News: आरबीआई ने लोन किया महंगा, रेपो रेट में 0.50 ... (प्रभात खबर)

RBI Repo Rates News:आरबीआई गवर्नर शक्तिकांत दास ने कहा कि एमपीसी ने आम सहमति से रेपो रेट 0.5 ...

दास ने कहा कि मौद्रिक नीति समिति ने मुद्रास्फीति को काबू में लाने के लिये नरम नीतिगत रुख को वापस लेने पर ध्यान देने का भी फैसला किया है. आरबीआई ने चालू वित्त वर्ष के लिये आर्थिक वृद्धि दर के अनुमान को 7.2 प्रतिशत पर बरकरार रखा है. साथ ही केंद्रीय बैंक ने खुदरा महंगाई दर चालू वित्त वर्ष में 6.7 प्रतिशत रहने का अनुमान बरकरार रखा है. भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक ने चालू वित्त वर्ष के लिए आर्थिक वृद्धि दर के अनुमान को 7.2 प्रतिशत पर कायम रखा मौद्रिक नीति समिति ने मुद्रास्फीति पर काबू के लिए नरम नीतिगत रुख को वापस लेने पर ध्यान देने का फैसला किया. मुंबई : भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक (आरबीआई) के गवर्नर शक्तिकांत दास ने द्विमासिक मौद्रिक समीक्षा में नीतिगत ब्याज दर रेपो रेट में 0.50 प्रतिशत की बढ़ोतरी कर दी है. इससे भारत में लोन महंगा हो गया है और अर्थव्यवस्था में नकदी का प्रवाह घटेगा. लोगों के खर्च घटेंगे. इसके साथ ही रेपो रेट 5.4 प्रतिशत हो गई है. इससे कर्ज की मासिक किस्त बढ़ेगी. साथ ही मौद्रिक नीति समिति (एमपीसी) ने नरम नीतिगत रुख को वापस लेने पर ध्यान देने का भी निर्णय किया है. मौद्रिक नीति समिति (एमपीसी) की तीन दिन की बैठक में किये गये निर्णय की जानकारी देते हुए आरबीआई गवर्नर शक्तिकांत दास ने कहा कि एमपीसी ने आम सहमति से रेपो रेट 0.5 प्रतिशत बढ़ाकर 5.4 प्रतिशत करने का निर्णय किया है. उन्होंने कहा कि भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था ऊंची मुद्रास्फीति से जूझ रही है और इसे नियंत्रण में लाना जरूरी है. रिजर्व बैंक गवर्नर शक्तिकांत दास ने कहा कि भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था ऊंची मुद्रास्फीति से जूझ रही है.

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Image courtesy of "Business Standard"

MPC hikes repo rate by 50 bps to 5.40%; Covid-era cuts reversed ... (Business Standard)

Committee retains FY23 CPI forecast at 6.7%, flags uncertainty on inflation trajectory.

GDP growth for the first quarter of the next financial year is seen at 6.7 per cent. The bond market had hoped for a rate hike of 35 bps along with signals that the RBI may temper future rate hikes. The RBI retained its CPI inflation forecast of 6.7 per cent for the current financial year, with risks evenly balanced. In the event of failure, the RBI must provide an explanation to the government. The SDF represents the lower band of the interest rate corridor and the MSF the higher. The latest rate action takes the total tally of rate hikes since May to 140 basis points.

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Image courtesy of "Business Today"

RBI MPC: Repo rate increased by 50 bps to 5.40%; accommodative ... (Business Today)

The MPC decided to focus on withdrawal of accommodation to ensure that inflation remains within the target going forward.

“The MPC also decided to remain focused on withdrawal of accommodation to ensure that inflation remains within the target going forward, while supporting growth. “On the basis of an assessment of the current and evolving macroeconomic situation, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) at its meeting today (August 5, 2022) decided to increase the policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) by 50 basis points to 5.40 per cent with immediate effect. Reserve Bank of India Governor Shaktikanta Das stated on Friday during the Monetary Policy Committee announcements that the repo rate will be increased by 50 basis points to 5.40 per cent.

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Image courtesy of "Zee News Hindi"

RBI Hike Repo Rate: आम आदमी को महंगाई का झटका, लोन की EMI में ... (Zee News Hindi)

आरबीआई की 2 दिवसीय मौद्रिक समीक्षा निति की बैठक में में बड़े फैसले लिए गए हैं.

RBI Monetary Policy: आरबीआई की 2 दिवसीय मौद्रिक समीक्षा निति की बैठक (RBI Monetary Policy) में कई बड़े फैसले लिए गए हैं. रिजर्व बैंक ने रेपो रेट में 0.50 फीसदी यानी 50 बेसिस प्वाइंट की बढ़ोतरी का ऐलान कर दिया है. इस ऐलान के बाद आपकी EMI का बोझ बढ़ेगा. आपको बता दें कि एक बार फिर आरबीआई ने रेपो रेट को कोरोना महामारी के पहले के रेपो रेट यानी 5.5% के करीब 5.40 फीसदी कर दिया है. गौरतलब है कि रेपो रेट वह दर है जिस पर की बैंक को RBI द्वारा कर्ज दिया जाता है और फिर इसी के आधार पर बैंक ग्राहकों को कर्ज देते हैं, जबकि रिवर्स रेपो रेट वह दर है जिस पर बैंकों की ओर से जमा राशि पर RBI उन्हें ब्याज देती है. ऐसे में, जब आरबीआई रेपो रेट बढ़ाती है तब बैंकों पर बोझ बढ़ता है और बैंक की तरफ से तब बैंक रेट में यानो लोन महंगा होता है. शक्तिकांत दास ने कहा कि हमारी अर्थव्यवस्था के तेजी से बढ़ने का अनुमान आईएमएफ से लेकर कई संस्थाओं ने दिया है और ये सबसे तेजी से आगे बढ़ेगी. रेपो रेट के अलावा आरबीआई ने SDF को 4.65 फीसदी से बढ़ाकर 5.15 फीसदी कर दिया है. इसके अलावा मार्जिनल स्टैंडिंग फैसिलिटी रेट यानी MSF को 5.15 फीसदी से बढ़ाकर 5.65 फीसदी कर दिया है. RBI Hike Repo Rate: आरबीआई की 2 दिवसीय मौद्रिक समीक्षा निति की बैठक में कई बड़े फैसले लिए गए हैं. रिजर्व बैंक ने रेपो रेट में 0.50 फीसदी यानी 50 बेसिस प्वाइंट की बढ़ोतरी का ऐलान कर दिया है. इस ऐलान के बाद आपकी EMI का बोझ बढ़ेगा. आरबीआई ने बताया है कि FY23 Q2 में GDP ग्रोथ 6.2% संभव FY23 Q3 में GDP ग्रोथ 4.1% संभव FY23 Q4 में GDP ग्रोथ 4% संभव हो सकता है. आरबीआई के गवर्नर शक्तिकांता दास ने बताया कि 2022-23 के लिए रियल GDP विकास अनुमान 7.2% है जिसमें Q1- 16.2%, Q2- 6.2%, Q3 -4.1% और Q4- 4% व्यापक रूप से संतुलित जोखिमों के साथ होगा. 2023-24 के पहले तिमाही (Q1) में रियल GDP में 6.7% की बढ़ोतरी अनुमानित है: गौरतलब है कि इससे [पहले भी जून में और मई के महीने में आरबीआई ने रेपो रेट में बढ़ोतरी की थी. RBI Hike Repo Rate: आम आदमी को महंगाई का झटका, लोन की EMI में होगा इजाफा, आरबीआई ने बढ़ाया रेपो रेट

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Image courtesy of "Livemint"

RBI retains GDP growth forecast; repo rate now above pre-Covid ... (Livemint)

The monetary policy committee of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) today decided to increase repo rate, the main lending rates to banks, by 50 basis points to ...

“Today’s RBI MPC decision to hike the repo rate by 50 bps is in line with the market expectations, thus remaining a non-event. The monetary policy committee of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) today decided to increase repo rate, the main lending rates to banks, by 50 basis points to 5.4% with immediate effect. Bond yields in India rose after the RBI rate hike announcement. Nevertheless, the commentary was cautious about the global and geo-political issues that could severely impact the supply chains," said Santosh Meena, Head of Research, Swastika Investmart Ltd. To curb inflationary pressures, the Reserve Bank of India has so far raised the repo rate by 140 basis points since embarking on a tightening cycle at an unscheduled policy meeting in May this year. However, equity markets held on to the early gains, with Sensex up over 200 points.

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Image courtesy of "India Today"

RBI hikes repo rate by 50 bps to 5.4% to tame inflation (India Today)

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Friday hiked the repo rate by 50 basis points to 5.4 per cent.

In its off-cycle monetary policy review in May, the RBI hiked the policy repo rate by 40 basis points or 0.40 per cent to 4.40 per cent. Then in June, the RBI further raised the rate to 4.90 per cent, a 50 basis points increase. The real GDP growth projection for 2022-23 is retained at 7.2 per cent with Q1 - 16.2 per cent, Q2 - 6.2 per cent, Q3 - 4.1 per cent and Q4 - 4 per cent with risks broadly balanced.

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Image courtesy of "Hindustan Times"

RBI's 50bps repo-rate hike: How will it impact your money? (Hindustan Times)

Central banks typically raise the benchmark repo rate – the interest rate at which commercial banks borrow money by selling their securities to the Reserve ...

Consumer prices, which rose 7.04% in May, continued to breach the Reserve Bank of India’s upper limit of 6% for the sixth straight month. The RBI’s latest interest rate hike was widely anticipated as inflation remained above the central bank’s comfort zone. Lower interest rates make for easy borrowing and businesses typically borrow to invest in new economic activities.

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Image courtesy of "नवभारत टाइम्स"

RBI MPC Meet Updates : आरबीआई ने रेपो रेट में की 0.50% की बढ़ोतरी ... (नवभारत टाइम्स)

नई दिल्ली : भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक (RBI) ने प्रमुख ब्याज दर अर्थात रेपो रेट (Repo Rate) में 0.50 फीसदी ...

20 साल 20 लाख रुपये किस्त (रुपये में)

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Image courtesy of "Hindustan हिंदी"

Monetary Policy: मौद्रिक नीति का ऐलान, रेपो रेट 0.50 फीसद की बढ़ोतरी ... (Hindustan हिंदी)

Monetary Policy:रिजर्व बैंक ने आज अपनी मौद्रिक नीति का ऐलान कर दिया है। आइए आसान भाषा में ...

इसे कहते हैं छप्परफाड़ रिटर्न, अडानी ग्रुप की इन 3 कंपनियों के शेयरों ने करीब 4 गुना कर दिया पैसा इसे कहते हैं छप्परफाड़ रिटर्न, अडानी ग्रुप की इन 3 कंपनियों के शेयरों ने करीब 4 गुना कर दिया पैसा Monetary Policy: मौद्रिक नीति का ऐलान, रेपो रेट 0.50 फीसद की बढ़ोतरी, जानें क्या होगा आप पर असर

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Image courtesy of "Financial Express"

Repo Rate Hike: How will homebuyers get impacted and what ... (Financial Express)

The RBI decision is going to impact a large number of home loan borrowers and impact the prospective borrowers who are planning to buy a new house.

One of the methods you can use to evaluate your loan rate is by checking the premium you are paying above the repo rate. A repo rate is a rate at which the RBI lends money to the banks. Since most home loans are now linked to the repo rate-based lending rate, whenever repo rates go up, your floating rate home loans will become costly, and there will be a sequential rise in the EMIs. If the repo rate increases, that means the commercial banks borrow money at a higher cost from the central bank, and they, therefore, lend it at a higher cost too. The decision is going to impact a large number of home loan borrowers and impact the prospective borrowers who are planning to buy a new house. Buying your home is one of the biggest financial decisions as it involves the transaction of a large amount of money.

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Image courtesy of "आज तक"

RBI Repo Rate Hike: जानिए- अब आपके कार और होम लोन की EMI कितनी ... (आज तक)

करीब दो साल तक रेपो रेट 4 फीसदी पर स्थिर रहा और इस कारण दो साल तक लोगों को सस्ते में कर्ज ...

अभी तक के हाइक के देखें तो रेपो रेट 1.40 फीसदी बढ़ा है. बैंक भी इसी अनुपात में लोन की ब्याज दरें बढ़ा रहे हैं. अब इस बार रेपो रेट 0.50 फीसदी बढ़ा है तो बैंकों की ब्याज दरें भी इसी अनुपात में बढ़ेंगी. अब मान लीजिए कि आपने 20 साल के लिए 30 लाख रुपये का होम लोन (Home Loan) लिया हुआ है. अगर रेपो रेट की तर्ज पर आपके बैंक ने भी ब्याज को बढ़ाया तो इसकी दर 7.55 फीसदी से बढ़कर 8.05 फीसदी हो जाएगी. इससे आपकी ईएमआई (EMI) 24,260 रुपये से बढ़कर 25,187 रुपये हो जाएगी. इसका मतलब हुआ कि आपकी ईएमआई हर महीने 927 रुपये बढ़ जाएगी. यानी लोन के हर एक लाख रुपये के लिए ईएमआई करीब 31 रुपये बढ़ेगी. इसी तरह 40 लाख रुपये के लोन पर EMI 32,346 रुपये से बढ़कर 33,582 हो जाएगी, यानी हर महीने 1,236 रुपये का बोझ बढ़ेगा. अगर 50 लाख रुपये के होम लोन की बात करें तो अब 40,433 रुपये की जगह 41,978 की EMI चुकानी होगी, यानी हर महीने 1,545 रुपये ज्यादा देने होंगे. बढ़ी ईएमआई का बोझ कम करने का एक उपाय लोन का टेन्योर (Loan Tenure) बढ़वाना है. आम तौर पर बैंक भी चाहते हैं कि कस्टमर लोन का टेन्योर बढ़वाए. खासकर होम लोन के मामले में अगर पुराना टेन्योर कम है, तो बैंक उसे बढ़ाने का विकल्प देते हैं. अगर आपका होम लोन 15 साल या 20 साल के लिए है तो बैंक उसे क्रमश: 20 साल व 25 साल के लिए बढ़ा देते हैं. इसका फायदा ये होता है कि मंथली ईएमआई नहीं बढ़ती है. इसी तरह अगर 7 साल के टेन्योर वाले 8 लाख रुपये के व्हीकल लोन (Vehicle Loan) की बात करें तो यहां भी ईएमआई पर असर पड़ने वाला है. अभी कार लोन (Car Loan) पर औसत ब्याज दर 10.50 फीसदी के आस-पास है. यह रेपो रेट की तर्ज पर बढ़ने से 11 फीसदी हो जाएगी. ऐसा हुआ तो अभी जो ईएमआई 13,489 रुपये प्रति महीने बन रही है, वह बढ़कर 13,698 रुपये हो जाएगी. यानी ईएमआई हर महीने 209 रुपये बढ़ेगी. कोरोना महामारी के बाद रिजर्व बैंक (Reserve Bank Of India) ने अर्थव्यवस्था (Economy) को रफ्तार देने के लिए लगातार रेपो रेट को कम किया था. रेपो रेट कम होने लगा तो बैंकों ने भी ब्याज दरें कम की थी. इस तरह ब्याज दरें कई दशक के सबसे निचले स्तर पर आ गई थीं. करीब दो साल तक रेपो रेट 4 फीसदी पर स्थिर रहा और इस कारण दो साल तक लोगों को सस्ते में कर्ज मिलता रहा. हालांकि महंगाई ने सस्ते कर्ज का दौर समाप्त कर दिया. पहली बार मई में रिजर्व बैंक ने रेपो रेट को 0.40 फीसदी बढ़ाकर 4.40 फीसदी किया था. इसके बाद जून की बैठक में रिजर्व बैंक ने रेपो रेट को 0.50 फीसदी बढ़ाया. अगस्त में फिर से रेपो रेट को 0.50 फीसदी बढ़ाया गया. इस तरह तीन बार में रेपो रेट को 1.40 फीसदी बढ़ाया जा चुका है. करीब 4 साल के अंतराल के बाद एक बार फिर से ब्याज दरें बढ़ने (Interest Rate Hike) का दौर लौट आया है. कई साल के उच्च स्तर पर पहुंची महंगाई (Inflation) ने रिजर्व बैंक (RBI) को रेपो रेट बढ़ाने (Repo Rate Hike) पर मजबूर कर दिया है. मई और जून के बाद अगस्त बैठक में भी रिजर्व बैंक की मौद्रिक नीति समिति (RBI MPC August 2022 Meet) ने पॉलिसी रेपो रेट को बढ़ाने का निर्णय लिया है. इस तरह पिछले 4 महीने में अब तक रेपो रेट 1.40 फीसदी बढ़कर 5.40 फीसदी हो चुका है. रेपो रेट में शुरू हुई बढ़ोतरी का असर बैंकों, नॉन-बैंकिंग फाइनेंशियल कंपनियों (NBFC) और हाउसिंग फाइनेंस कंपनियों (HFC) पर भी होने लगा है. पिछले 2-3 महीने के दौरान लगभग सारे बैंक, एनबीएफसी और एचएफसी ब्याज दरें बढ़ा (Interest Rate Hike) चुके हैं. रेपो रेट में ताजी बढ़ोतरी के बाद ब्याज दरें और बढ़ने की आशंका मजबूत हो गई है.

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Image courtesy of "Times of India"

Explained: RBI could do more repo rate hikes in monetary policy ... (Times of India)

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has raised the key repo rate by 50 basis points to 5.4% in its monetary policy review. This is the third repo rate hike by ...

He is of the view that rates will be raised because the US Fed is trying to control the unprecedented inflation in America. "The Fed rate hikes are driving dollar inflows into the US which in turn is impacting the exchange rate. The MPC has decided to remain focused on withdrawal of accommodation to ensure that inflation remains within the target going forward, while supporting growth. According to Shukla, persistently high inflation will have a more harmful impact on the hard fought economic recovery, as against a short term shock. CPI inflation is still above RBI's comfort zone of 6%, but experts see lesser risks in the coming months. Such a huge funding gap is a big red flag in a world that is increasingly seeing monetary tightening and an uncertain geopolitical situation," he tells TOI.Inflation Outlook: The external factors are likely to play an important role in shaping the RBI's monetary policy decision making," she tells TOI. High frequency indicators of activity in the industrial and services sectors are holding up." RBI notes that the global economic and financial environment has deteriorated. This is the third repo rate hike by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) in the ongoing financial year. What are the risks to India's growth story and inflation? As it looks to keep inflation under check, will RBI continue to hike repo rate in the coming months? Sachchidanand Shukla, Chief economist, Mahindra Group believes that RBI has done a good job of front loading the rate hikes.

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Image courtesy of "Economic Times"

EMIs to rise again after RBI repo rate hike and there's more pain to ... (Economic Times)

Banks and other financial institutions have been hiking loan interest rates over the past two months. However, rising inflation has shattered the hopes of ...

For instance, if you have taken a home loan for 20 years when you are 35 years old, then the lender can increase the tenure up to 5 years so that it goes up to the usual retirement age of 60 years. In many circumstances, lenders rather than increasing the EMI amount prefer that the borrower opts to extend the tenure if there is scope. If the borrower has a long time left for retirement, then the lender will typically increase the tenure of the loan. If the loan is taken for 15 or 20 years, lenders usually extend it to 20 or 25 years. We continue to expect 85bps hike in Repo rate to 5.75% by end 2022,” says Upasna Bhardwaj, Chief Economist, Unless supply is augmented in energy and industrial commodities, any growth impulse will lead to an accompanying rise in inflation, especially since the Ukraine situation is far from over. The primary factor which is fueling these rate hikes is inflation. "With this repo rate hike of 50 bps, we are seeing the highest rates that existed pre-pandemic during 2019. For each lakh rupee of loan, you may have to dole out Rs 31.37 extra for EMI. Before this the repo rate was hike on June 06, 2018. This was the first hike in repo rate after almost a gap of 4 years. "Several banks have already begun rising home loan rates and this trend is expected to continue.

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Image courtesy of "Business Today"

RBI repo rate revision will not affect demand for homes, say realty ... (Business Today)

Together, these factors – rising home loan rates and construction costs – will impact residential sales that did reasonably well in the first half of 2022.” As ...

As a result, the demand for all kinds of properties continues to remain high and the scenario is unlikely to change in the near future.” Ankit Kansal,MD, 360 Realtors says, “Across the globe, we have seen central banks increasing repo rates and the recent hike by the RBI is an extension of a larger global phenomenon. Amit Goyal, CEO, India Sotheby’s International Realty says, “Home loan rates are now expected to settle around 8 per cent per annum, which can put a short-term psychological dent on the demand for the mid and affordable housing segment, but we won't see that continuing for long. Pankaj Pal, Group Executive Director, AIPL says, “We don’t foresee a major impact on the demand side in the housing market. Anuj Puri, Chairman, Anarock says, “This is the third consecutive rate hike in the last two months and finally marks the end of the all-time best low-interest rates regime - one of the major factors that drove housing sales across the country since the pandemic. Ramesh Nair, CEO, India and Managing Director, Market Development, Asia, Colliers says, "With this, the repo rate has now increased by 140 bps in the last three months, with the rate hovering above pre-pandemic levels.

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Image courtesy of "News Room Odisha"

Rise in Repo rate likely to hurt homebuyers' sentiment | News Room ... (News Room Odisha)

While real estate developers are conscious about the inflationary pressure building up with the spiralling economic discord, they will chalk out deal sweeteners ...

The RBI’s decision to raise the repo rate will help the sector to ward off the deep ends of inflationary challenges and come out stronger,” he added. Manoj Gaur, President CREDAI NCR said that the present repo rate hike of 50 bps by RBI is on expected lines. “Industry reckons the RBI’s focus on sustainable economic growth with Real GDP forecast at 7.2 per cent for FY23, while continuing its monetary intervention to tame global inflation headwinds by increasing repo rate by 50bps.

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Image courtesy of "Financial Express"

What RBI MPC's 50bps repo rate hike means: Inflation to stay above ... (Financial Express)

The Reserve Bank of India monetary policy committee hiked the repo rate for the third straight time in the current fiscal to tame the inflationary pressure, ...

Despite rise in interest rates RBI retaining the projection of growth rate at 7.2% should be the key takeaway for the market participants. Going forward, if the domestic growth indicators show sustained improvement, the Central Bank could hike the repo rate by a further 50 bps in FY23. With the terminal repo rate at 5.90%, the RBI would be moving towards a positive real rate of interest. RBI MPC hiked the repo rate by 50 bps to 5.40 per cent, retaining the stance at ‘Withdrawal of Accommodation’. In the May monetary policy review, the RBI hiked the policy repo rate by 40 basis points or 0.40 per cent to 4.40 per cent. This hike is continuation of withdrawal of accommodation which we believe is more or less done as the repo rate is now what it was in September 2019 (pre-pandemic). We believe though the Governor commented that change of 50 bps in rates is now the new normal of the world, the upcoming policy decisions may not be of the same quantum. Given the global recessionary backdrop and its accompanying disinflationary impact, we believe policy rates in India will peak below 6% in this calendar year. In addition to this, RBI may also hike repo rate by further 50 bps in FY23. We now see the repo rate settling at 5.90% by December 2022. The current elevated level of inflation and the likelihood of inflation for the next three months being higher than the current level also likely to have influenced RBI’s decision to go for a 50 bps rate hike this time. With domestic growth indicators showing signs of improvement, the RBI has taken this opportunity to move towards a positive real rate of interest. At the same time, given the current subdued global growth outlook, the RBI is likely to slow down the policy rate normalisation from this point onwards. This is likely to nudge the RBI to maintain the current tightening stance. The Reserve Bank of India monetary policy committee hiked the repo rate for the third straight time in the current fiscal to tame the inflationary pressure, taking the key policy rate to pre-pandemic level.

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Image courtesy of "प्रभात खबर"

Repo Rate: आम आदमी पर फिर महंगाई की मार, महंगे हो गये लोन ... (प्रभात खबर)

Repo Rate: बढ़ती महंगाई से परेशान रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया ने रेपो रेट में 0.50 फीसदी का इजाफा ...

बैंक अपने पैसों की आपूर्ति के लिए आरबीआई पर निर्भर करता है. इसका मतलब जरूरत पड़ने पर कमर्शियल बैंक रिजर्व बैंक से लोन लेते हैं. इसके बढ़ने रिजर्व बैंक अन्य बैंकों से इंटरेस्ट चार्ज करता है. अब जब भी बाजार में लिक्विडिटी बढ़ जाती है तो रिजर्व बैंक ब्याज दर बढ़ा देता है. और इसके विपरीत जब लिक्विडिटी घट जाती है तो आरबीआई इंटरेस्ट रेट घटा देता है. ऐसे में कह सकते हैं कि रेपो एक तरह से बैंकों और आरबीआई के बीच पैसों की लेन देन है. रेपो रेट बढ़ने से लोन की ईएमआई बढ़ने की पूरी संभावना है. इससे पहले भी जब बैंकों ने रेपो रेट में इजाफा किया था तो लोन की ईएमआई भी बढ़ी थी. उन्होंने कहा कि जितनी बार भी रेपो रेट में इजाफा किया जाएगा लोन की ईएमआई में भी इजाफा होगा अगर आरबीआई रेपो रेट बढ़ा रहा है तो जितनी भी लोन चलती है चाहे हो पुरानी लोन हो या फिर नई लोन उसमें बदलाव होता ही है. एक्सपर्ट जितेन्द्र सोलंकी ने बताया कि इसका असर नये लोन लेने वाले और जो पहले से लोन लिए हुए है उन पर पड़ता है. उन्होंने कहा कि अगर आप कोई लोन ले रहे हैं और उसपर आप इंट्रेस्ट भर रहे हैं तो बढ़ जाएगा जिससे ईएमआई में भी इजाफा होगा. आर्थिक विकास के लिए आरबीआई कई तरह से फैसले लेता है. इसके अलावा आरबीआई का मुख्य फोकस महंगाई दर को कम करना है. इसके लिए आरबीआई बैंकों की लिक्विडिटी को मेंटेन रखता है. अगर लिक्विडिटी अधिक हो गई है तो आरबीआई रेपो रेट बढ़ाता है. वहीं, लिक्विडिटी कम होने पर आरबीआई रेपो रेट में कमी कर देता है. Repo Rate: बढ़ती महंगाई से परेशान रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया ने रेपो रेट में 0.50 फीसदी का इजाफा कर दिया है. इससे रेपो रेट 4.90 फीसदी से बढ़कर 5.40 फीसदी हो गया है. इसका सीधा अर्थ है होम लोन से लेकर ऑटो और पर्सनल लोन सब कुछ महंगा हो गए हैं. यहां तक की अब EMI भी ज्यादा चुकानी होगी. जानिए रेपो रेट बढ़ोतरी को लेकर क्या है पर्सनल फाइनेंस के एक्सपर्ट जितेंद्र सोलंकी के विचार...

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Image courtesy of "The Economic Times"

RBI Repo Rate News: RBI raises repo rate by 50 bps to 5.4% - The ... (The Economic Times)

The policy rate increase by the MPC comes as an attempt to curtail the inflationary pressures faced by citizens on the back of high food and fuel prices ...

However, he also underscored the volatile nature of the inflation pressures. A recent ET poll of 22 participants also showed that more than half the respondents that included bankers, traders, analysts and fund managers expect RBI to change its stance to ‘neutral’ from ‘accommodative. He kept his projection for the terminal rate at 5.75%. The RBI continues to signal that all options are on the table, which is a prudent strategy given the elevated levels of uncertainties on both, growth as well as inflation." IndiaEconomist and Vice President at Nomura, said “The RBI’s 50bp hike was largely in line with market expectations, that was divided between it and a 35bp hike. Edelweiss, BofA and had speculated a 35-50 basis points hike, Meanwhile, a Reuters poll of 63 economists had suggested a rate increase in the range of 25-to-50 bps.

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Image courtesy of "Livemint"

RBI policy: How a 50 bps rate hike will impact homebuyers, home ... (Livemint)

ICICI Bank and Punjab National Bank (PNB) are the first to hike their benchmark lending rate right after RBI increased the repo rate by another 50 basis ...

"The current environment of repo rate hikes is not expected to last forever, and eventually, the rates are likely to come down again. If that is the case, home loan EMIs may continue to get costlier ahead making a chunk in borrowers' pockets. Meanwhile, Lincoln Bennet Rodrigues, Chairman & Founder, The Bennet, and Bernard Company, said that the impact of rate hike will be predominantly on the affordable housing side, which is primarily driven by sentiments and especially first-time home buyers who are heavily reliant on home loans. The MPC raised repo rates by 50 basis points in June of this year. Even with the rate hikes, recent quarter performance has been strong, reflecting the increased movement of home purchasers to purchase homes. Also, the affordability and the disposable incomes of new-age homebuyers are much better today than a few years ago due to the increased job and wage growth in most sectors in the country and this is a silver lining for the sector. Rising interest rates along with elevated property construction costs and product price pressures could adversely impact the real estate sentiment when buyers are likely to invest in their dream homes foreseeing the festive season. So far, RBI has increased the repo rate by 140 basis points in three policies which also made a significant upward shift in term loan rates. Further, PNB also made a 50 basis hike in its benchmark lending rate. And, once again, the MPC's decision to boost repo rates again by 50 points indicates that inflation is here to stay for some time. Although, the latest rate hike was higher than expected. ICICI Bank and Punjab National Bank (PNB) are the first to hike their benchmark lending rate right after RBI increased the repo rate by another 50 basis points on Friday. This also marks the beginning of costlier EMIs for new and existing borrowers on their home loans.

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Image courtesy of "Times of India"

Second 50bps hike: Repo rate's now over pre-pandemic level (Times of India)

India Business News: In a move that will increase the cost of borrowings for businesses and individuals, including home and auto loans, the Reserve Bank of ...

Instead, banks like Indian Overseas Bank increased its home loan rate to 7.05%, Central Bank of India But, most banks have not increased deposit rates to keep pace with increase in repo rate. Increase in new home loan rates are lower than total increase in repo rates. With its latest revision, RBI has hiked the repo rate by 140 basis points since May 4 – the steepest increase in over a decade. For existing borrowers, home loan rates will increase equal to increase in repo rate as their rates are directly linked with it. As home loan borrowing is at flexible rates, a short-term interest rate spike will hurt homebuyers' sentiments, said Niranjan Hiranandani, MD, Hiranandani Group. Many banks did not increase lending rates to match increase in policy rates due to this reason. The RBI has also allowed rural cooperative banks to provide loans to commercial real estate for housing projects. With this hike, RBI has kept up with other central banks that have increased rates far more than in India. The markets expected a rate hike between 35 and 50 basis points. Many banks have also increased their rates on similar lines. It's the third hike in quick succession, after 40 bps in May and 50 bps in June. RBI governor Shaktikanta Das has rolled back all cuts during the pandemic and taken rates back over the pre-pandemic level.

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Image courtesy of "Business Standard"

Monetary policy review: Economists see repo rate climbing to ... (Business Standard)

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is likely to increase the repo rate by almost 60 basis points more, taking it close to 6 per cent, before holding off on ...

According to Ghosh, it is possible that Friday’s rate hike will impact inflation over the longer term. With the MPC predicting CPI inflation at 7.1 per cent in the current quarter, 6.4 per cent in October-December, and 5.8 per cent in January-March, it is almost certain it would fail in its mandate to ensure that average inflation does not stay above the upper threshold for three successive quarters. According to the MPC, CPI inflation is seen at 5 per cent in the first quarter of 2023-24. The RBI’s medium-term target for CPI inflation is 4 per cent. The RBI’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) on Friday increased the repo rate by 50 basis points to 5.40 per cent. Impact of RBI's repo rate hike on borrowers, investors and the economy Markets await repo rate hike, liquidity measures by RBI How does MPC function and what is its mandate?

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Image courtesy of "Financial Express"

Repo rate tops pre-Covid level (Financial Express)

The RBI's signal dispels a notion gaining currency that central banks everywhere may be nearing the end of their tightening cycle.

Abheek Barua, chief economist and executive vice president, HDFC Bank, said he expects the RBI to take the repo to 5.75% by the end of the year. The yield on the benchmark 10-year government bond rose to 7.3% from the previous day’s close of 7.157%. The RBI joined central banks around the world, which have of late opted for large rate hikes in a bid to tame inflation, in delivering a hike that was at the higher end of market expectations. Export of goods and services together with remittances are expected to keep the current account deficit (CAD) within sustainable limits, Das said, while declining to share an estimate for India’s CAD for FY23. Dinesh Khara, chairman,State Bank of India( SBI), said the policy statement reaffirmed the RBI’s commitment to bring inflation down further and ensure financial stability in the markets. Surplus liquidity in the banking system moderated to Rs 3.8 trillion during June-July from Rs 6.7 trillion during April-May, Das said. While stating that food and metal prices have been softening of late, the MPC cited persisting supply chain issues, a shortfall in paddy sowing and the transmission of high input costs into finished goods as risks to inflation. Experts, too, lauded the RBI’s decision to stick to its focus on inflation. External member Jayanth R Varma expressed reservations with this part of the resolution. The policy announcement was followed by a hardening in bond yields as the quantum of the rate hike was higher than the expectations of some sections of the market. Dharmakirti Joshi, chief economist, Crisil, said “The frontloading of the repo rate hike was needed as inflation, despite some softening, is still way above the upper tolerance limit and monetary policy impacts it with a lag.” Inflation as measured by the consumer price index (CPI) eased to 7.01% in June from 7.04% in May, while holding well above the MPC’s target band of 2-6%. The monetary policy committee (MPC) of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) voted unanimously to raise the repo rate by 50 basis points (bps) to 5.40%, above the pre-pandemic level of 5.15%. The third increase in a row signals the MPC’s intent to keep fighting inflation even as consumer prices show signs of easing.

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Image courtesy of "The New Indian Express"

Home loan interest set to rise on repo rate hike... (The New Indian Express)

RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das-led MPC hiked the policy repo rate by 50 bps to 5.40% with immediate effect.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das-led Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) hiked the policy repo rate by 50 bps to 5.40% with immediate effect to combat rising inflation. A third in recent months, the RBI has hiked repo rate by 140 bps since May this year. NEW DELHI: A 50 bps increase in repo rate is set to pinch homebuyers as most banks will pass on the hike to external benchmark linked loans (EBLR) which are used for pricing retail loans.

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Image courtesy of "Times of India"

Repo rate hike to hit existing home loan borrowers harder (Times of India)

India Business News: In a move that will increase the cost of borrowings for businesses and individuals, including home and auto loans, the Reserve Bank of ...

But, most banks have not increased deposit rates to keep pace with increase in repo rate. Instead, banks like Indian Overseas Bank increased its home loan rate to 7.05%, Central Bank of India Increase in new home loan rates are lower than total increase in repo rates. Many banks did not increase lending rates to match increase in policy rates due to this reason. Many banks have also increased their rates on similar lines. For existing borrowers, home loan rates will increase equal to increase in repo rate as their rates are directly linked with it.

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Image courtesy of "Business Today"

RBI hikes repo rate again: Here's what it means for your investments (Business Today)

RBI MPC meet outcome: The apex bank has so far raised the repo rate by 140 basis points since embarking on a tightening cycle at an unscheduled policy ...

We are not done with the rate hiking cycle yet and we could brace for a continued northward journey in rates. The RBI continues to signal that all options are on the table which is a prudent strategy given the elevated levels of uncertainties on both, growth as well as inflation. Very importantly, with the RBI retaining the policy stance of “withdrawal of accommodation”, the implicit message is that rates are yet to reach neutral territory and that more rate hikes are warranted – a view that we agree with. The stock market has well received a positive view of the economy in spite of the higher-than-expected repo rate hike. The apex bank has so far raised the repo rate by 140 basis points since embarking on a tightening cycle at an unscheduled policy meeting in May this year. While retaining the GDP growth forecast at 7.2 per cent, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Friday hiked the repo rate by 50 basis points which stood in line with the global trends of monetary policy tightening to cool off inflation.

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Image courtesy of "Current Affairs"

RBI Hikes Repo Rate By 140 Base Points In 3 Months (Current Affairs)

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on August 5, 2022, raised the repo rate by 50 basis points (bps) to 5.4 per cent, taking it above the pre-pandemic levels of ...

This is the third time that the RBI has raised the repo rate in a span of few months, by a huge 140 bps in three months, to be precise. The repo rate is essentially the rate at which the RBI lends to banks and lending institutions. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on August 5, 2022, raised the repo rate by 50 basis points (bps) to 5.4 per cent, taking it above the pre-pandemic levels of 2020, as has been speculated in a while.

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