Mohammed Zubair

2022 - 10 - 6

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Image courtesy of "India Today"

Alt News co-founders Pratik Sinha, Mohammed Zubair among ... (India Today)

Co-founders of fact checking website AltNews Pratik Sinha and Mohammed Zubair and Indian author Harsh Mander are among the favourites to win this year's ...

Making a significant contribution to fighting religious extremism and promoting interreligious dialogue is therefore a compelling rationale for being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) director Henrik Urdal also released his annual shortlist of probable Peace laureates. The Nobel Peace Prize will be announced on October 7 in Oslo, Norway.

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Image courtesy of "The Hindu"

AltNews' Pratik Sinha, Zubair among favourites to win Nobel Peace ... (The Hindu)

AltNews journalists Pratik Sinha and Mohammed Zubair and Indian author Harsh Mander were included in an unofficial shortlist of favourites for the 2022 ...

Mr. Sinha and Mr. Urdal also names Mr. The TIME article notes that Mr. The list includes journalists Mr. The TIME list of favourites also includes Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the U.

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Image courtesy of "Hindustan Times"

Alt News founders among 'favourites' for Nobel Peace Prize: Report (Hindustan Times)

Mohammad Zubair was arrested by the Delhi Police on June 27 this year over a meme he had tweeted in 2018 against a Hindu deity that allegedly hurt religious ...

He was granted bail by the Supreme Court on July 20. He remained in police and judicial custody for nearly a month. Zubair was arrested by the Delhi Police on June 27 this year over a meme he had tweeted in 2018 against a Hindu deity that allegedly hurt religious sentiments.

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Image courtesy of "OpIndia"

The mother of all ironies: TIME Magazine thinks Mohammed Zubair ... (OpIndia)

TIME believes Mohammed Zubair who triggered Islamist violence in India, deserves to win Nobel Peace Prize 2022. | OpIndia News.

It was Mohammed Zubair who spearheaded a campaign against Nupur Sharma, accusing her of insulting the Prophet Muhammad and letting loose an army of Islamists against her that ultimately hacked Lal to death. And days later, the Hindu man was killed for something as trivial as just sharing a social media post in support of Nupur Sharma. In the aftermath of Kanhaiya Lal’s brutal beheading, TIME Magazine The police acted on the basis of a complaint filed against him by a Twitter user who cited the notorious fact-checker’s old tweet where he had a derogatory reference to Lord Hanuman. While Islamists went on a rampage on the streets in many cities across the country, it was essentially Mohammed Zubair who was responsible for kindling a fire that had gone on to assume uncontrollable proportions. However, in doing so, Sinha shared a picture from 2014, about two years before the Demonetisation to portray that the decision had caused misery among people. While exhibiting hypocrisies is a routine staple for TIME Magazine, it committed a mother of all ironies recently when it included Mohammed Zubair and Pratik Sinha of the Alt News in the list of deserving candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize 2022. And so, Lal was a marked man the moment he came out in support of Nupur Sharma. Several supporters of Zubair and Sinha took to social media to peddle fake news that the duo is shortlisted for the Nobel Peace Prize. The ominous hounding of Nupur Sharma prompted many to extend their support to her. In one instance, her effigy was left hanging from a cable, reminding Hindus of the fate that awaits them should they dare cite authentic and reliable Islamic Hadiths to comment on Prophet Muhammad. It also cleverly leaned on condemnation from leftist populated organisations to portray Zubair’s arrest as an act of retribution, drawing over a veil over his alleged culpability in hurting the religious sentiments of Hindus with his Hinduphobic posts.

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Image courtesy of "The Tribune"

Alt News co-founders Pratik Sinha, Mohammed Zubair among Nobel ... (The Tribune)

A couple of days before the Nobel Peace Prize for 2022 is to be announced, a US magazine has reported that the co-founders of Indian fact-checking website ...

The Peace Prize is one of the six awards established by Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel in 1895 and is considered the most expansive in its recognition. Alt News has been at the forefront of battling misinformation in India and Zubair was arrested in June for a meme he tweeted four years ago. Times said the names it has mentioned are based on a survey by a news agency.

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Image courtesy of "Onmanorama"

Nobel Peace Prize: AltNews co-founders Pratik Sinha, Mohammed ... (Onmanorama)

The Nobel Peace Prize will be announced on October 7 in Oslo, Norway..AltNews. Pratik Sinha. Mohammed Zubair. Harsh Mander. Nobel Peace Prize.

A worthy recipient of such a prize is Harsh Mander, along with the campaign he launched in 2017, Karwan-e-Mohabbat ("Caravan of Love), according to Urdal's shortlist. The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) director Henrik Urdal also released his annual shortlist of probable Peace laureates. The Nobel Peace Prize will be announced on October 7 in Oslo, Norway.

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Image courtesy of "ABP News"

Nobel Prize 2022: फैक्ट-चेकर्स मोहम्मद जुबैर और प्रतीक सिन्हा को ... (ABP News)

7 अक्टूबर को नोबेल शांति पुरस्कार की घोषणा की जाएगी. एक रिपोर्ट में भारतीय फैक्ट ...

2022 के नोबेल शांति पुरस्कार के विजेताओं की घोषणा स्थानीय समयानुसार 7 अक्टूबर को ओस्लो में सुबह 11 बजे की जाएगी. 2022 के नोबेल शांति पुरस्कार की दौड़ में लगभग 343 उम्मीदवार हैं - 251 व्यक्ति हैं और 92 संगठन हैं. टाइम मैग्जीन के अनुसार, तथ्य-जांच साइट AltNews के सह-संस्थापक सिन्हा और जुबैर नामांकन के आधार पर पुरस्कार जीतने के दावेदारों में से हैं.

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Image courtesy of "नवभारत टाइम्स"

नोबेल शांति पुरस्‍कार की दौड़ में मोहम्‍मद जुबैर और प्रतीक सिन्‍हा, फैक्‍ट ... (नवभारत टाइम्स)

नोबेल शांति पुरस्‍कार के विजेता का चयन नार्वे के नोबल समिति के 5 सदस्‍यों की ओर से किया ...

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Image courtesy of "DNA India"

Nobel Peace Prize: Alt News के सह-संस्थापक प्रतीक सिन्हा-मोहम्मद ... (DNA India)

पिछले कुछ महीनों के दौरान Alt News और उसके सह-संस्थापक Mohammed Zubair को लगातार मुकदमों का सामना ...

इस साल नोबेल शांति पुरस्कार 2022 (Nobel peace prize 2022) की होड़ में कई अन्य नाम भी शामिल हैं. भारत में भी एडिटर्स गिल्ड (प्रतिष्ठित समाचार पत्रों के संपादकों-मालिकों का समूह) ने भी 28 जून को बयान जारी करते हुए इस कार्रवाई की निंदा की थी. एक Reuters survey के मुताबिक, प्रतीक सिन्हा और मोहम्मद जुबैर का नाम नोबेल शांति पुरस्कार की लिस्ट में नार्वे के सांसदों ने नामित किया है. शुक्रवार को नॉर्वियन नोबेल कमेटी (Norwegian Nobel Committee) उस विजेता का नाम घोषित करेगी, जो इस साल प्रतिष्ठित नोबेल शांति पुरस्कार (Nobel Peace Prize) के लिए चुना गया है. नोबेल शांति पुरस्कार को दुनिया में सबसे ज्यादा प्रतिष्ठित माना जाता है और इसका हकदार उन लोगों को माना जाता है, जिन्होंने मानवता के कल्याण के लिए सबसे बेहतरीन काम किया हो. पूरी दुनिया से इस प्रतिष्ठित पुरस्कार के लिए आवेदन नोबेल कमेटी को मिले हैं, जिनमें वैश्विक नेताओं व राजनीतिज्ञों के साथ ही दो भारतीय पत्रकारों को भी फेवरेट लिस्ट में शामिल किया गया है.

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Image courtesy of "Zee News Hindi"

Nobel Peace Prize 2022: विवादित फैक्ट चेकर मोहम्मद जुबैर और प्रतीक ... (Zee News Hindi)

Mohamed Zubair and Prateek Sinha: नार्वे में 2 दिन बाद इस साल के नोबेल शांति पुरस्कार के विजेता के नाम ...

हेनरिक उरदल ने कहा कि हर्ष मंदर भी इस तरह का पुरस्कार पाने के योग्य हैं, क्योंकि उन्होंने 2017 में कारवां-ए-मोहब्बत शुरू किया था. इस पुरस्कार के दावेदारों की सूची में विवादित फैक्ट चेकर मोहम्मद जुबैर और प्रतीक सिन्हा का नाम भी शामिल बताया जा रहा है. इस शुक्रवार को इस पुरस्कार के विजेता का ऐलान हो जाएगा. बाद में शर्तों के आधार पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने जुबैर को जमानत दी थी. नोबेल शांति पुरस्कार की दौड़ में मोहम्मद जुबैर और प्रतीक सिन्हा समेत 343 उम्मीदवार शामिल बताए जा रहे हैं. भौतिकी विज्ञान में इस साल तीन वैज्ञानिकों को संयुक्त रूप से पुरस्कार देने का ऐलान हो चुका है.

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