Global Handwashing Day

2022 - 10 - 15

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Image courtesy of "अमर उजाला"

Global Handwashing Day: सही तरीके से धुले हाथ, बीमारियों से करें बचाव (अमर उजाला)

सीएमओ डॉ आशुतोष कुमार दुबे ने बताया कि हैंडवॉशिंग के महत्व को देखते हुए मि ...

Register with to get all the latest Hindi news updates as they happen. सीएमओ डॉ आशुतोष कुमार दुबे ने बताया कि हैंडवॉशिंग के महत्व को देखते हुए मिशन निदेशक ने पत्र भेज कर सभी स्वास्थ्य इकाइयों पर 15 अक्तूबर को ग्लोबल हैंडवॉशिंग डे मनाने का निर्देश दिया है। बताया कि भारत में पांच साल से कम उम्र के बच्चों में होने वाली 2.3 मिलियन वार्षिक मृत्यु में से 13 से 14 फीसदी डायरिया संबंधित बीमारियों के कारण होती है। अगर सही तरीके से हाथ धुलने की आदत डाली जाए तो इस मृत्यु दर को कम किया जा सकता है।

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Image courtesy of "दैनिक जागरण"

Global Handwashing Day पर जानें हाथों को साफ करने का सही तरीका, कई ... (दैनिक जागरण)

ग्लोबल हैंडवाशिंग डे 2022: COVID-19 महामारी ने हमें प्रभावी हाथ धोने के महत्व का एहसास कराया।

पहले ग्लोबल हैंडवाशिंग डे में दुनिया भर के 120 मिलियन बच्चों ने 70 देशों में साबुन से हाथ धोते हुए देखा। तब से, हाथ धोने की स्वच्छता के पैरोकारों ने इस दिन का उपयोग हाथ धोने, सिंक बनाने और नल लगाने और हाथ धोने की आवश्यकता को मजबूत करने के बारे में प्रचार करने के लिए किया है। यह दिन सरकारों, स्कूलों, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संस्थानों, गैर सरकारी संगठनों, निजी कंपनियों और अन्य द्वारा प्रायोजित है। ग्लोबल हैंडवाशिंग डे की स्थापना ग्लोबल हैंडवाशिंग पार्टनरशिप द्वारा लोगों को साबुन से हाथ धोने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए रचनात्मक तरीकों को डिजाइन, परीक्षण और दोहराने के लिए की गई थी। पहला ग्लोबल हैंडवाशिंग डे 2008 में आयोजित किया गया था। नई दिल्ली, जागरण डिजिटल डेस्क। ग्लोबल हैंडवाशिंग डे 2022: COVID-19 महामारी ने हमें प्रभावी हाथ धोने के महत्व का एहसास कराया। लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि हाथ धोने के लिए समर्पित एक दिन होता है। बीमारियों से बचने के प्रभावी और सस्ते तरीके के रूप में साबुन से हाथ धोने के महत्व की वकालत करने के लिए 15 अक्टूबर को वैश्विक हाथ धोने का दिन मनाया जाता है। यह दिन अधिक से अधिक लोगों को साबुन से हाथ धोने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करने और आग्रह करने का अवसर है।

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Image courtesy of "India Today"

Global Handwashing Day 2022: Date, time, history and significance (India Today)

And to make handwashing a habit, there is a day dedicated to it; global hand washing day. It is an initiative to unite universal hand hygiene habits of people ...

Later, the United Nations General Assembly marked it as Global Handwashing Day. The day raises awareness and understanding of the importance of hand washing. And to make handwashing a habit, there is a day dedicated to it; global hand washing day. It follows these healthy habits to be germ-free and stay away from any kind of health issues. Wash your hands before and after a meal.” This global advocacy day is celebrated on October 15 each year.

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Image courtesy of "News18 इंडिया"

Global Handwashing Day 2022: हैंड हाइजीन को इग्नोर करेंगे तो होंगी ये ... (News18 इंडिया)

आज मनाया जा रहा है 'ग्लोबल हैंडवॉशिंग डे'. इस दिन को मनाने का मुख्य उद्देश्य है खराब ...

हाथों को इस तरह धोएंगे तो अधिक से अधिक हाथों की सफाई होगी और हाथ जर्म फ्री रहेंगे- आइए जानते हैं हाथों की हाइजीन मेंटेन ना रखने से होने वाली बीमारियों के बारे में. इस दिन को मनाने का मुख्य उद्देश्य है खराब हैंड हाइजीन के कारण होने वाली बीमारियों को रोकने के लिए एक प्रभावी और किफायती तरीके के रूप में साबुन से हाथों को धोने के महत्व के बारे में जागरूकता बढ़ाना.

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Image courtesy of "Hindustan हिंदी"

ग्लोबल हैंडवाशिंग-डे पर धुलवाया गया हाथ (Hindustan हिंदी)

परिषदीय व माध्यमिक स्कूलों में बच्चों के साथ शिक्षक-शिक्षिकाओं ने भी साबुन से हाथ धुला।

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Image courtesy of "Asiana Times"

Maintain Universal Hand Hygiene - Global Handwashing Day 2022 ... (Asiana Times)

Unite for Universal Hand Hygiene" is the theme for this year's "Global Handwashing Day,2022"-A Promotion for Universal Hand Hygiene.

This day is celebrated to create awareness among the people to practice the habit of handwashing. After this incident, every year this day is celebrated to cultivate the habit of handwashing, building sinks in public places, etc. [Global Handwashing Day]( was created by the global Handwashing Partnership to know about the importance of washing hands with soap. [Global Handwashing Day]( - Teaching the habit of handwashing to kids and school students. [Global Handwashing Day](,2022″-A Promotion for Universal Hand Hygiene

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Image courtesy of "Daily Pioneer"

On Global Handwashing Day, Sesame Workshop India to start hand ... (Daily Pioneer)

With support from the Hygiene and Behaviour Change Coalition (HBCC), a collaboration between Unilever and the UK Government's Foreign, ...

Coupled with Unilever’s long history of promoting health hygiene practices and expertise in mass media and campaign delivery, this was an effective partnership to reach the lives of young children through Sesame Workshop India. New Delhi, 15 October 2022: Today on Global Handwashing Day, Sesame Workshop India, the non-profit educational media organization behind Sesame Street, is launching a campaign with support from the Hygiene and Behaviour Change Coalition, a collaboration between Unilever and the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), to drive awareness of good hygiene & disease prevention practices. Through the Hygiene Behaviour Change Coalition, we’re scaling our efforts to reach more children and families with critical health and hygiene knowledge.”

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Image courtesy of "Sambad English"

Global Handwashing Day: 'Unite For Universal Hand Hygiene' (Sambad English)

It is a global advocacy day dedicated to increasing awareness, advocating and understanding about the importance of handwashing as an effective and ...

Global Handwashing Day is endorsed by governments, schools, international institutions, civil society organizations, NGOs, private companies, individuals, and more. Bhubaneswar: Global Handwashing Day is observed every year on October 15. Since then, Global Handwashing Day has continued to grow.

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Image courtesy of "लल्लूराम न्यूज़"

'Global Handwashing Day' : हाथ ना धोने के ये हो सकते हैं नुकसान, इन ... (लल्लूराम न्यूज़)

टाइफॉइड, स्वाइन फ्लू, ई कोली पॉयजनिंग हो सकती है. कॉमन कोल्ड, पेट दर्द, पेट में इंफेक्शन ...

हाथों की हथेलियों, कलाई, उंगलियों के बीच और अपने नाखूनों के नीचे सभी सतहों को अच्छी तरह से साफ करें. हाथों को कम से कम 20 सेकेंड तक रगड़ें. ये सामान्य साबुन की तुलना में कीटाणुओं को मारने में अधिक प्रभावी होते हैं.अपने हाथों को नल के नीचे साफ और बहते पानी में रखकर गीला करें. हाथों को साबुन और पानी से धोना सबसे अच्छा होता है. फिर हाथों को एक साफ तौलिये से पोछें. Global Handwashing Day : स्कूल में good habits विषय पर अक्सर हमें सिखाया जाता था कि नियमित रूप से हाथ धोएं.

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Image courtesy of "MissionNewswire"

GLOBAL HANDWASHING DAY: Salesian Missions highlights clean ... (MissionNewswire)

Salesians are able to ensure that clean water projects happen in communities that lack water access and that soap donations make it into the hands of those ...

The project, part of the Salesian Missions “Clean Water Initiative,” provided a new water tank and pump to supply fresh drinking water. A new water pump is helping the school to automatically pump water in the tank, improve water pressure, and save money, time, and energy. [Vietnam]( have clean water access thanks to donor funding from Salesian Missions. In Kon Tum, more than 1,147 people are benefiting from the water supply in the Khop village where there are poor families working as farmers. After the initial donation, soap was provided to children and older youth who are attending Salesian programs and schools including Fondation Vincent, Don Bosco Lakay OPEPB (the Little Schools of Fr. The water supply at the newly opened school has been limited due to water interruptions in the town of Rundu, which has created a challenging situation. The shipment of soap was from Eco-Soap Bank, a humanitarian nonprofit organization working to save, sanitize and supply recycled soap with hygiene education for the developing world. Salesians will help alleviate the crisis by increasing sanitation, improving the health of children, and supplying clean drinking water by constructing wells and cisterns. “Improving water access brings a sense of dignity to children and ensures that teachers and students are working and learning in an environment that promotes proper hygiene. The project is one of 18 planned for rural villages in the area. According to the World Health Organization, millions of young lives could be saved with access to bar soap and hygiene education. Operating schools and programs for youth around the globe, Salesian missionaries are on the front lines assessing what youth and their families need most.

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Global Handwashing Day 2022-15th October (

i.The day provides aplatform to accelerate hand hygiene progress at a system level. ii.It's estimated that proper handwashing could reduce diarrheal illnesses ...

i.The Ministry of Education (MoE) observed Global Handwashing Day with the theme “Unite for Universal Hand Hygiene” to highlight the significance of hand washing with soap, which is critical for prevention of transmission of Covid-19. WHO’s World Hand Hygiene Day WHHD) was observed annually on 5 May to raise awareness of hand hygiene among the masses. The Global Handwashing Day is annually observed across the world on 15th October to raise awareness about the importance of handwashing with soap and water as a way to prevent disease.

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Image courtesy of "TheHealthSite"

Global Handwashing Day: Which Is More Effective Hand Washing ... (TheHealthSite)

How should I properly wash my hands? Just giving your hands a quick scrub and a rinse won't be enough to eliminate all infections.

In addition, it is comparatively inefficient, for instance, against the rotavirus and norovirus. Hand sanitiser is frequently more practical when you are away from home, but it can be pricey or hard to locate in an emergency. You may encourage youngsters to wash their hands by simplifying the process. Just giving your hands a quick scrub and a rinse won't be enough to eliminate all infections. Dr Suryasnata Das, Additional Director, Microbiology, Department of Lab Medicine, Jaypee Hospital, Noida shares a step-by-step guide on washing your hands properly. Before and following a meal

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Image courtesy of "മാതൃഭൂമി"

കൈകൾ കഴുകേണ്ടത് എപ്പോഴെല്ലാം ... (മാതൃഭൂമി)

ലോക കൈകഴുകൽ ദിനമാണ് ഇന്ന്. 'കൈകളുടെ ശുചിത്വത്തിനായി പ്രായഭേദമന്യേ നമുക്കൊരുമിക്കാം' ...

- ഭക്ഷണം കഴിക്കുന്നതിനു മുന്പും ശേഷവും കോവിഡ് പ്രതിരോധത്തിന്റെ വലിയ പാഠങ്ങളാണ് മാസ്ക് ധരിക്കുക, സോപ്പുപയോഗിച്ച് കൈ കഴുകുക എന്നിവ. 2008 മുതലാണ് യൂണിസെഫ് ഉള്പ്പെടുന്ന ഹാന്ഡ് വാഷിങ് കൂട്ടായ്മയുടെ നേതൃത്വത്തില് കൈകഴുകല് ദിനാചരണം അന്താരാഷ്ട്രതലത്തില് ആരംഭിച്ചത്.

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Image courtesy of "Financial Express"

Global Handwashing Day: Sesame Workshop India to start hand ... (Financial Express)

Today on Global Handwashing Day, Sesame Workshop India is launching a campaign with support from the Hygiene and Behaviour Change Coalition.

Through the Hygiene Behaviour Change Coalition, we’re scaling our efforts to reach more children and families with critical health and hygiene knowledge.” Sesame Workshop, the parent organization of Sesame Workshop India, joined the HBCC coalition to support the physical and mental health of children and families amid the pandemic. It was developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to limit the spread of the virus in low and middle-income countries and has reached over 1 billion people with lifesaving behaviour-change messaging, hygiene products and access to training and education.

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Image courtesy of "MercoPress"

Global Handwashing Day draws awareness of hygiene deficits (MercoPress)

A United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (Unicef) report released this week showed that some 700 children daily from diseases caused by ...

Hand washing reduces multiple diseases that cause chronic problems and cuts down school absenteeism rates by up to 43%, in addition to other benefits, Unicef pointed out. The study marking Global Handwashing Day (Oct. The document also pointed out that 3 in 10 people worldwide lack basic hand washing facilities with soap and water

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Image courtesy of "Telegraph India"

Global Handwashing Day: Unicef hails city kids (Telegraph India)

Unicef promotes handwashing among children as it is an effective way to prevent diarrhoea and respiratory infections.

"The habit of washing hands with soap before meals and after toilet use can save many lives. "Now the children are no longer required to be asked to wash their hands with soap before eating or after toilet use. A fellow camper Akash Panda, a class four student, said that he washes hands after toilet before the meal and during bath.

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Image courtesy of "ఏపిహెరాల్ద్.కామ్ - unit of India Herald Group Publishers [P] LIMITED"

Global Handwashing Day: Right way to wash hands!!! (ఏపిహెరాల్ద్.కామ్ - unit of India Herald Group Publishers [P] LIMITED)

Why is it important to wash hands? Doctors tell that if the hands are not washed properly, then the risk of spreading the disease increases manifold. In such a ...

Boil [neem](/search/topic?searchType=search&searchTerm=NEEM) leaves in water and cool it and fill this water in the bottle. Due to this the disease can spread. [people](/search/topic?searchType=search&searchTerm=POPULATION) about the importance and benefits of washing hands.

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