According to World Health Organization (WHO), BF.7, which is a shorter term for BA., is the fastest spreading Covid virus, and is currently ...
RECOMMENDED As per various reports, the Chinese are still vulnerable to the virus because of low vaccination rates and poor investment in emergency care. Unable to revive him, his colleagues moved him out of the chair, The Telegraph video said. and found long lines of funeral vans, hazmat suits, and a stream of mourners. The hospital staff and workers at funeral homes and crematoriums are working overtime to handle the growing number of bodies. Therefore, an infected person will transmit the virus to an average of 10 to 18.6 other people when he or she is in contact. Li Tongzeng, a medical expert at Beijing's Xiaotangshan Hospital, told The Global Times, that the symptoms caused by BF.7 are similar to other Omicron sub-variants. Cases of BF.7 subvariant hit the US in October, while in the UK over 7 per cent of the cases were of this variant. China reported five deaths on Monday and two on Sunday, according to a Reuters report, taking its total death count to 5,242. Li said BF.7 is believed to have an R0, or basic reproduction number, of 10 to 18.6. According to World Health Organization (WHO), BF.7, which is a shorter term for BA., is the fastest spreading Covid virus. China has so far reported 3,101 new symptomatic Covid infections on Tuesday, of which 3,049 were domestic cases.
Two cases of BF.7, a variant of Covid-19 that is driving the surge in infections in China, has been detected in Gujarat's Vadodara and Ahmedabad.
According to the civic body, the man came from abroad in September and contracted Covid-19. The health department is collecting 7,000-8,000 samples on a daily basis for Covid tests. The condition of the woman is normal. According to Vadodara Municipal Commissioner Banchhanidhi Pani, the NRI woman came from the United States to Vadodara in November and after a week, she tested positive for Covid-19. The civic chief said the woman was inoculated with three doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Four cases of BF.7 variant of Omicron, which is responsible for the surge in Covid-19 cases in China, have been found in India, sources in the Union Health Ministry told India Today.
ओमिक्रॉन के सब वैरिएंट BF.7 के तीन मामले अब तक भारत में पाए गए हैं जिनकी वजह से चीन में ...
चीन में कोरोना वायरस से मच रही तबाही की खबरों के बीच यूके के कई हिस्सों में भी कोविड-19 संक्रमण के बढ़ने के मामले सामने आए हैं। दिसंबर के शुरुआत में मामले 13 लाख तक पहुंच गए थे। हालांकि, ये आंकड़ा अब भी पिछले साल के कहर से कम है। इसी बीच कोरोना वायरस इन्फेक्शन के 10 सबसे आम लक्षणों की लिस्ट में भी बदलाव आए हैं। आइए जानें कि अब कोविड के आम लक्षणों में क्या-क्या शामिल है। नई दिल्ली, एजेंसी। देश में ओमिक्रॉन के सब वैरिएंट BF.7 के चार मामलों की पुष्टि हुई है। कोरोना के नए संस्करण के कारण ही चीन में कोविड के मामलों में तेज बढ़ोतरी देखी जा रही है। गुजरात जैव प्रौद्योगिकी अनुसंधान केंद्र द्वारा अक्टूबर में भारत में BF.7 के पहले मामले का पता चला था। जानकारी के मुताबिक, गुजरात में दो और ओडिशा में भी दो पॉजिटिव केस सामने आए हैं। ओमिक्रॉन के सब वैरिएंट BF.7 के चार मामले अब तक भारत में पाए गए हैं। इसी वैरिएंट के चलते चीन में कोरोना संक्रमण के मामलों में तेज बढ़ोतरी देखी जा रही है। देश में अब तक गुजरात और ओडिशा में नए मामले सामने आए हैं।
This isn't the first time that BF.7 has made news — in October, it started to replace the variants that were then dominant in the United States and several ...
There could be an increase in the number of Covid-19 cases in the winters, when we usually see an increase in all respiratory infections.” “The mutations in the spike protein have slowed down, there hasn’t been a massive change in around a year. “There is a debate about whether certain vaccines are better than the others. The January 2022 wave in India was driven by the BA.1 and BA.2 sub-variants of Omicron. Plus, we have already paid the price, so to say, during the Delta wave (of April-May 2021). After Omicron, the vaccines aren’t really able to stop transmission, but they do prevent deaths,” Dr Agarwal said. China indeed has a high vaccination rate — 235.5 doses per 100 population as per the WHO dashboard. BF.7 accounted for more than 5% of US cases and 7.26% of UK cases in October. This isn’t the first time that BF.7 has made news — in October, it started to replace the variants that were then dominant in the United States and several European countries. Other than that, Omicron has mainly been killing its elderly victims and we (India) do have a younger population,” Dr Agarwal said. As per data from India’s national SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing network, BA.5 lineages accounted for only 2.5% of cases in November. When viruses mutate, they create lineages and sub-lineages — like the main trunk of the SARS-CoV-2 tree sprouting branches and sub-branches.
Three cases of BF.7 strain, that is driving the current wave of Covid infections in China, have been detected in India so far. Will it cause a fresh wave in ...
And India paid its price with the delta wave where we lost a lot of our people and those who survived have good immunity to covid and so is the status of our very good vaccination. Test-Track-Treat-Vaccinate is the most important strategy to check this infection and its community outbreaks," says Dr Arora. "Till now it is not clear which age group it affects the most but it is certain that people with low immunity are at a higher risk. It is also probable that if people get three to four shots of the vaccine, they may get protected. It is a variant mutant of the Omicron and has one of the highest transmissibility amongst all COVID variants so far. With restrictions eased out worldwide and the festive season in-swing, it is important to continue mass vaccination drive. “The signs and symptoms of BF.7 are pretty similar to other omnicorn variants fever, sore throught, runny nose. [Omicron BF.7 strain](, that is driving the current wave of [Covid infections]( in China, have been detected in India so far. In India, there are very few cases of mortality and hospitalization but it also depends on various factors including a person’s immunity and pre-existing comorbidities," says Dr Ghosh. Three cases of BF.7 strain, that is driving the current wave of Covid infections in China, have been detected in India so far. He says that a fourth shot of vaccine may be helpful in preventing these probable deaths. "The wave of Covid-19 in China is being caused by virus Omicron BF., also called as BF.7.
Coronavirus BF 7 Variant in India: देश में कोरोना वायरस के खतरनाक सब वेरिएंट BF7 का पहला मामला गुजरात ...
गुजरात में कोरोना के दो और मामले सामने आए है, जिनमें इसी वेरिएंट (Coronavirus BF 7 Variant in India) की आशंका जताई जा रही है. चीन में कोरोना से मचेगी तबाही- 15 लाख लोग गवां सकते हैं जान](/hindi/world/covid-19-outbreak-china-to-loss-15-lakh-life-ahead-of-new-bf7-corona-virus-omicron-sub-variant-know-latest-update-109628) [चीन में तबाही मचाने वाला COVID-19 का नया वेरिएंट BF 7 आखिर है क्या? कोरोना का ये सब वेरिएंट (Coronavirus BF 7 Variant in India) अब भारत में भी दाखिल हो चुका है.
The statements come as earlier reports emerged that three cases of Omicron subvariant BF.7 have been detected in India so far.
चीन में तबाही मचाने वाला कोरोना वायरस का बीएफ.7 वेरिएंट अब भारत पहुंच चुका है।
BF.7 वेरिएंट के लक्षण क्या हैं BF.7 के बारे में हम क्या जानते हैं
China Covid wave: Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya earlier today held a meeting and gave directions for genome sequencing of new Covid cases.
Post genome sequencing directions by the Centre, at least 4 new Covid cases in India have been found to be of Omicron sub-variant BF.7. 10 points]( India at the same time is fully alert to battle the new variant with Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya giving directions for genome sequencing of new Covid cases. Experts have predicted that almost 60 per cent of China, 10 per cent of world would be affected by new Covid wave. - Omicron sub-variant BF.7 also known as BA. is a sub-lineage of the BA.5 variant. China Covid Wave: Attention has once again been brought back to Covid-19 after a turbulent surge of new infections driven by Omicron sub-variant BF.7 in China, ever since the country eased zero-Covid-policy.
आज हम आपको चीन में तेजी से फैल रहे नए वेरिएंट ओमिक्रॉन BF.7 के लक्षणों के बारे में ...
As far as India is concerned, India is extensively immunized with effective vaccines, especially the adult population: NK Arora, Chairman, Covid 19 Working Group NTAGI, on China covid policies— ANI (@ANI) चीन में कोविड के बढ़ते मामलों के बीच महामारी विशेषज्ञ एरिक फेगल-डिंग का एक ट्वीट वायरल हो रहा है। एरिक ने अपने ट्वीट में कहा है, 'चीन में कोविड से मरने वालों की संख्या लाखों में होने की संभावना है। उनका अनुमान है कि अगले 3 महीनों में चीन की 60% से अधिक आबादी संक्रमित हो जाएगी। वह वैश्विक आबादी के लिए कोविड संक्रमण का भी अनुमान लगाता है।' We're hearing that there's widespread covid infection in China. रिपोर्टों के अनुसार, BF.7 ओमिक्रॉन वेरिएंट तेजी से ट्रांसमिट होता है, इसका इन्क्यूबेशन पीरियड कम है और यह लोगों को आसानी से संक्रमित करता है। यह भी पाया गया है कि वेरिएंट व्यक्तियों को उनके वैक्सिनेशन की कंडीशन के बावजूद समान रूप से प्रभावित करता है। उनका कहना है कि एक अनुमान है कि अगले 90 दिनों में चीन के 60 प्रतिशत से अधिक और दुनिया की 10 प्रतिशत आबादी के संक्रमित होने की संभावना है। मौतों की संख्या लाखों में होने की संभावना है और यह तो बस शुरुआत है। चीन में BF.7 वेरिएंट है जो BA. का छोटा रूप है। यह Omicron BA.5 का सब-वेरिएंट है। जैसा कि चीन में कोविड की स्थिति से स्पष्ट है, BF.7 वेरिएंट में बहुत ज्यादा ट्रांसमिशन क्षमता है।
The most common COVID variant at the moment in China, where an increasing number of cases have shocked the entire world, is Omicron BF.7.
According to reports, the BF.7 Omicron variant easily infects people and spreads more quickly than other strains. The views expressed here are that of the respective authors/ entities and do not represent the views of Economic Times (ET). [Covid BF.7 variant](/topic/covid-bf-7-variant)has the strongest transmission capacity. The [BF.7](/topic/bf-7)virus, which according to WHO officials are the [Covid](/coronavirus)virus that is spreading the fastest in Beijing, is having a devastating effect on the city's health networks as thousands of people rush to fever clinics in search of immediate treatment. Omicron has outlasted all other variants and has maintained its position as the dominant variant for more than a year. Additionally, it is discovered that everyone is affected by the variant equally, regardless of vaccination history.
Coronavirus BF.7: ऑमिक्रोन के अन्य वैरिएंट की तरह, BF.7 भी एक अन्य सब-वैरिएंट है जिसकी ...
भारत में भी मिले मामले अमिताभ घोष (कंसल्टेंट, इंटरनल मेडिसिन, मणिपाल हॉस्पिटल्स, गुरुग्राम) का कहना है कि नया वैरिएंट उतना घातक नहीं है, लेकिन यह अन्य ओमिक्रॉन वेरिएंट की तुलना में तेजी से फैलता है। वे आगे कहते हैं, ''ऑमिक्रोन के अन्य वैरिएंट की तरह, BF.7 भी एक अन्य सब-वैरिएंट है जिसकी ट्रांसमिशन दर बहुत तेज़ है। कई डेटा के अनुसार, इस वैरिएंट के लिए घातक होने की दर अधिक नहीं है, लेकिन निश्चित रूप से यह अन्य की तुलना में तेजी से प्रसारित होता है। भारत में मृत्यु दर और अस्पताल में भर्ती होने के बहुत कम मामले हैं, लेकिन यह एक व्यक्ति की इम्यूनिटी समेत कई अन्य कारणों पर निर्भर करता है।'' डॉ. का मानना है कि वैक्सीन के चौथे डोज से संभावित मौतों को रोका जा सकता है।
So far, the health ministry has confirmed the detection of four cases of the Omicron sub-variant BF.7 in India. Here's everything you should know about the ...
[By Vani Mehrotra](/author/vani-mehrotra): India has so far reported four cases of Omicron subvariant BF.7, the strain driving China's current surge in Covid-19 cases. Here's everything you should know about the symptoms and the severity of the BF.7 variant. Sources said four cases have been reported since July this year. BF.7 accounted for more than 5 per cent of Covid-19 cases in the US and 7.26 per cent in the UK in October. - The BF.7 variant is apparently the strain driving China's current surge of COVID-19 cases So far, the health ministry has confirmed the detection of four cases of the Omicron sub-variant BF.7 in India.
BF.7 was identified in four cases in Gujarat and Odisha, but not linked to increased severity or infectiousness, say officials after Health Minister's ...
[XBB, a recombinant variant]( that was a combination of two lineages (BJ.1 and BA.2.75) but was “highly infectious,” responsible for a surge in many countries and which had the potential to evade antibodies from existing vaccines. “A new and highly transmissible BF.7 strain of the Omicron variant has been found to be behind a wider surge of covid infections in China,” it added. However, modelling studies estimate a spike in cases in China in early January and two other spikes in mid-January and February because of a rise in travel. That BF.7 is responsible for China’s current spike is just a conjecture based on very limited samples, though it’s almost quite certain it’s some Omicron-linked variant,” said [Vinod Scaria](, of the CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology. They believe this has resulted in a large number of people who were unexposed to variants such as Alpha and Delta now being infected by the Omicron subvariant. In India, so far about 2.2 crore vaccines have been administered, though only around 28% of those above 18 years have had three doses. The dominant variant in India currently is Omicron AB5, (which is linked to BF.7) athough this is based on extremely limited numbers. Some studies expected a million COVID-19 deaths in China in the coming days. Officially, only 5,200 peope have died from COVID-19 in China over the last three years. Globally however, there has been a rise in daily average cases in the last six weeks, with about 6 lakh instances reported weekly as of December 19, the Health Ministry said in a statement. Omicron BF.7 was detected in Odisha in a single sample tested on September 30, 2022, the State’s Health and Family Welfare department said on Wednesday. In the 3 months since, no other sample of BF.7 has been detected in Odisha,” it added.
At least four cases of the Omicron sub-variant BF.7, the Covid strain driving China's current surge of cases, have been detected in India so far.
Of these, BA.2 and BA.5 proved to be stronger than the rest. One death was recorded over the last 24 hours. It has already been detected in several other countries, including the US and UK and European nations such as Belgium, Germany, France and Denmark. BA.5.1.7 and BF.7 are names given to downstream descendants of BA.5." I have directed all concerned to be alert and strengthen surveillance. After a review meeting on Wednesday, Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya tweeted, "COVID is not over yet.
What Is Corona New Variant BF7 चीन में कोरोना की नई लहर ओमिक्रान के BF7 वेरिएंट के चलते आई है।
[Coronavirus in India]( की एंट्री हो चुकी है, लेकिन यह ज्यादा खतरनाक नहीं है। जनवरी 2022 में भारत में कोरोना की लहर ओमीक्रोन के BA.1 और BA.2 सब-वेरिएंट से आई थी। वर्तमान में एक वेरिएंट XBB भारत में सबसे ज्यादा खतरनाक माना जा रहा है और इसी के चलते भारत में नवंबर माह में 65.6 फीसदी मामले मिले थे। [Covid Lockdown: क्या भारत में फिर लौटेंगे लॉकडाउन, मास्क और सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग वाले दिन, जानें हर सवाल का जवाब](/news/national-coronavirus-know-here-answers-to-all-your-questions-regarding-lockdown-masks-and-social-distancing-in-india-23267135.html) [यह भी पढ़ें](/news/national-coronavirus-know-here-answers-to-all-your-questions-regarding-lockdown-masks-and-social-distancing-in-india-23267135.html) नई दिल्ली, आनलाइन डेस्क। चीन में एक (Corona in China) बार फिर से कोरोना कहर बरपाने लगा है। लगातार बढ़ रहे कोरोना मामलों के चलते वहां के अस्पताल भी अब मरीजों से खचाखच भरने लगे हैं। वर्तमान में चीन में कोरोना की ये लहर ओमिक्रान के BF7 वेरिएंट के चलते आई है। चीन में कोरोना के नए विस्फोट के बीच यह वेरिएंट भारत भी पहुंच चुका है। गुजरात में दो तो ओडिशा में एक मरीज BF.7 वेरिएंट से पीड़ित मिला है। अब लोगों के मन में ये बात आ रही है कि आखिर ये BF7 वेरिएंट क्या है और ये इतना खरतनाक क्यों है। आइए जानें इसके बारे में और इसके लक्षण। What Is Corona New Variant BF7 चीन में कोरोना की नई लहर ओमिक्रान के BF7 वेरिएंट के चलते आई है। अब यह वेरिएंट भारत के गुजरात और ओडिशा में भी मिला है। आइए जानें आखिर क्या है BF7 वेरिएंट और इसके लक्षण।
Covid-19: चीन में कहर मचा रहे BF.7 वैरिएंट से भारत को भी खतरा? जानिए इसकी संक्रामकता से लेकर ...
The recent surge of Covid-19 across China, which has left the World Health Organisation "very concerned" and revived fears across the globe, including in ...
[Facebook ]( [Dailymotion ]( [Twitter ]( Plus, we have already paid the price, so to say, during the Delta wave (of April-May 2021). “SARS-CoV-2 is now a human virus and it is here to stay. He also said that an increase in the number of cases is not a determinant of the severity of the infection or rising deaths. Other than that, Omicron has mainly been killing its elderly victims and we (India) do have a younger population,” Dr Agrawal added. BF.7 is a sub-lineage of the Omicron variant BA.5 and has the strongest infection ability, has a shorter incubation period, and a higher capacity to cause reinfection or infect even those vaccinated. The minister asked people to follow Covid-appropriate behaviour including wearing masks in crowded places, and to get vaccinated. The surge in China’s Covid cases has acted as a warning for several countries including India that Covid may have subdued for a while but it is certainly not over. "I have directed all concerned to be alert and strengthen surveillance. The world health body urged Beijing to accelerate vaccination of the most vulnerable amid this unprecedented wave.
India has reported four cases of the Omicron sub-variant BF.7, which is driving the huge Covid surge in China. The BF.7 is a sub-lineage of the previous ...
The BF.7 is a sub-lineage of the Omicron variant BA.5. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Four cases of the BF.7 variant have been reported in India, till now. Four cases of the BF.7 variant have been detected in India, so far. As Christmas and New Year celebrations are around the corner, it is more crucial than ever to follow Covid-appropriate behaviour. According to a study published in the journal 'Cell Host and Microbe,' the BF.7variant has 4.4-fold higher neutralization resistance than the original Wuhan virus.
China's Covid outbreak: The latest surge in China could be because of the relaxation of its 'Zero Covid' policy following a wave of intense nationwide ...
[new subvariant BF.7](, is a sub-lineage of the BA.5 Omicron variant, which is reportedly the most infectious variant known so far since the discovery of SARS-CoV-2 in 2020. It has urged Beijing to speed up its vaccination drive of the most vulnerable. [#BF7]variant is true (2-3x more than old [#Omicron]), and resistant to neutralization even if vaccinated with older vaccines & [#COVID]infections of BA1/5, then China will be in a world of hurt—Hospitals near full. So, officially, there were only five Covid deaths on Tuesday, two on Monday - and none in the previous two weeks. Asymptomatic cases and positive results from home-testing kits are not recorded in the data. "Omicron BF.7 has more immune escape capability, a shorter incubation period, and faster transmission rate than other variants found so far," said Li Tongzeng, who works at Xiaotangshan Hospital in Beijing told the state-run newspaper, The Global Times. Patients may have fever, cough, sore throat, and other symptoms, with some symptoms like vomiting, diarrhoea, and others. Visited crowded crematorium in Beijing, people told me their loved ones died of covid— Selina Wang (@selinawangtv) Its reproduction number, or RO, is 10 to 18.6, whereas Delta’s RO was 5 or 6. Experts and projections have predicted that the situation could get severe in the coming winter months. As per news reports, BF.7 started spreading from October, and cases were reported in the United States and several European countries. China's only reported a few covid deaths since reopening.
Omicron BF.7 in India: It is a mutant of the Omicron and has one of the highest transmissibility amongst all Covid variants.
So far, four cases of Omicron BF.7 strain have been detected in India in the past six months. The highly infectious strain has been reported in Gujarat (2) and Odisha (1). Omicron BF.7 strain, a new Covid-19 strain that has wreaked havoc in China, has shown its presence in India as well.
New Covid Variant, BF.7, sub-variant of Omicron that is prevalent in China is thought to be the cause of the present spike in BF.7 Covid-19 infections ...
Sources claimed that the first case had come to light in July. After eliminating mandated safety measures like lockout and mass testing as part of its zero-Covid policy, China has been battling to control an out-of-control Covid surge with the BF.7 Covid variant. Only those who passed away from respiratory failure brought on by the infection will be included in the Covid mortality numbers, according to health experts. The Center has requested that all Covid-positive cases’ samples be sent to INSACOG genome sequencing facilities. BF.7, New Covid Variant driving surge in China: The BF.7 sub-variant of Omicron that is prevalent in China is thought to be the cause of the present spike in Covid-19 infections there. Currently, the Covid protocol is not required in the nation. The latter is also known as BA. The patients infected with the BF.7 and BF.12 forms of Omicron were reported in October-November, according to the Gujarat Health Department, where two cases were reported. The massive Covid rise in China is being caused by the BF.7 sub-variant of Omicron, which has been found in four cases in India. This isn’t the first time BF.7 has been in the spotlight; back in October, it began to displace the main variations in the US and several other European nations. In Gujarat and Odisha, the instances of BF.7 Covid Variant first came to light. - The BF.7 sub-variant has a 4.4-fold higher neutralization resistance than the original D614G variant, according to a study published in the journal “Cell Host and Microbe” earlier this month.
In a statement, the Ministry of Health secretary Rajesh Bhushan said that "the public health challenge of Covid-19 still persists around the world with ...
[Bangalore]( affirmed that only in “infection-naïve or vaccination-naïve areas”, the cases may be significant. It is the need of the hour for everyone to get vaccinated and get a booster shot too. Dr Patil mentioned, “With the life normalising and the Covid restrictions loosening, any such new variant is bound to cause at least a transient surge in the affected population. It is only that we should not be caught off-guard and, hence, the authorities will definitely take transient steps to increase the number of testing and genome sequencing to diagnose any surge in cases and hospitalisation with new variants. The pandemic is still a matter of concern and one needs to be cautious. “Talking specifically about China, which is very stringent about its ‘Zero Covid’ policy, this has probably back-fired as most of the population affected by the new variant are those not immune (not having sufficient antibody titers in the blood),” he added “So, at present, it seems unlikely that the newer variant will create fatal infections in India,” Dr Jha told []( To be specific about the BF.7 variant, in due course of time the viruses mutate as they survive in nature, thus, creating their lineages (as a family tree with the SARS COV 2 diagnosed in December 2019 as the trunk of the tree and the variants as branches and sub-branches ). [Omicron]( subvariant [BF.7](, have been detected in India so far, according to a PTI report. Additionally, there are various reports also suggesting that the XBB variant, which is a recombinant — a combination of two lineages (BJ.1 and BA.2.75) and “highly infectious”, could make India worried. World Health Organization (WHO) director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus also said that “WHO is very concerned over the evolving situation in China”. India has been reporting a “steady decline” in Covid-19 cases, with the average number around 129 with daily positivity rate at 0.01 per cent, as of December 22, according to
India has recently restarted random testing of international passengers, with the fear of a resurgent subvariant - the BF.7 - taking centrestage.
While the BF.7 variant has been detected in India as early as October, BA.5 lineages only account for 2.5% of cases in November. While a higher neutralisation resistance signifies that there is a higher likelihood of the variant spreading in a population and replacing other variants. Symptoms of the new BF.7 sub-variant are similar to common flu and include cold, cough, fever, body pain, etc. Also referred to as [Omicron](/topic/omicron)Spawn, the coronavirus variant was first detected in India in October but is now making a comeback. "Omicron BF.7 has more immune escape capability, a shorter incubation period, and faster transmission rate than other variants found so far," Li Tongzeng, who works at Xiaotangshan Hospital in Beijing told state-run newspaper The Global Times. With every mutation, viruses create lineages and sub-lineages - much like a flow chart - that help the bug adapt to human innovation.
Covid-19 New Variant BF.7 in India: कोरोना का नया वैरिएंट ज्यादा तेजी से फैल सकता है और इससे कंडीशन ...
पहले की तरह कोविड नियमों का सख्ती से पालन करके नई लहर को रोका जा सकता है. डॉक्टर्स का कहना है कि कोरोना के नए वैरिएंट से उन लोगों को सबसे ज्यादा खतरा है, जो डायबिटीज, ब्लड प्रेशर, एचआईवी या अन्य गंभीर बीमारियों से जूझ रहे हैं. आजकल इंटरनेशनल ट्रैवलिंग की वजह से एक देश से दूसरे देश में वायरस आसानी से पहुंच जाता है. इससे बचने के लिए लोगों को मास्क लगाना होगा, सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग का पालन करना होगा और भीड़भाड़ वाली जगहों से दूर रहना होगा. Covid-19 Variant BF.7 In India: पिछले कई दिनों से चीन (China) में लाखों लोगों को अपना शिकार बना चुके कोविड-19 के नए वैरिएंट Omicron BF.7 ने भारत (India) में भी दस्तक दे दी है. अनिल बंसल की मानें तो नए वैरिएंट ने भारत में कोरोना की नई लहर के खतरे को बढ़ा दिया है.
क्या है कोरोना का नया BF.7 वैरिएंट, क्या कहती है स्टडी? चीन समेत पूरी दुनिया में बढ़ा दी है ...
चीन समेत पूरी दुनिया में बढ़ा दी है चिंता क्या है कोरोना का नया BF.7 वैरिएंट, क्या कहती है स्टडी? [हिंदी न्यूज़](/) [देश](/national/)क्या है कोरोना का नया BF.7 वैरिएंट, क्या कहती है स्टडी?
COVID is on the rise again with a new variant. Omicron's subvariant BF.7 is responsible for the surging COVID infections in China, and at least four cases ...
So far, four cases of people infected with the new variant BF.7 have been reported in India. Compared to the original coronavirus that circulated throughout the world in 2020, the BF.7 sub-variant has greater neutralization resilience, i.e., even antibodies are less likely to eradicate it. In India, BF.7 was initially discovered in October. Up until now, four strains of the new variant have been identified. What is the BF.7 COVID variant? What Is The BF.7 Covid Variant, First Seen In China?