इसलिए वर्ष 2011 से 25 जनवरी को राष्ट्रीय मतदाता दिवस (National Voters' Day, NVD) के रूप में भी मनाया ...
[January 25, 2023] I also laud ECI for their efforts in this area. Inspired by this year’s theme of ‘Nothing Like Voting, I Vote For Sure’, may we all work together to further strengthen active participation in elections and strengthen our democracy.
जागरण ब्यूरो, नई दिल्ली। राष्ट्रपति द्रौपदी मुर्मु ने देश में चुनावों के प्रति लोगों ...
मतदाता दिवस के मौके पर बुधवार को निर्वाचन आयोग की ओर से आयोजित कार्यक्रम को राष्ट्रपति मुर्मु बतौर मुख्य अतिथि संबोधित कर रही थी। उन्होंने इस मौके पर चुनाव में लोगों के बढ़ते योगदान से जुड़े आंकड़े भी रखे। जिसमें बताया कि वर्ष 1951-52 में आयोजित पहले आम चुनावों में मतदाताओं की संख्या 17 करोड़ से कुछ अधिक थी और उस समय लगभग 45 प्रतिशत मतदान हुआ था। जबकि वर्ष 2019 में आयोजित आम चुनाव में मतदाताओं की संख्या नब्बे करोड़ से अधिक थी और 68 प्रतिशत से अधिक मतदान हुआ था। जागरण ब्यूरो, नई दिल्ली। राष्ट्रपति द्रौपदी मुर्मु ने देश में चुनावों के प्रति लोगों के बढ़ते रुझान को लोकतंत्र और चुनाव प्रक्रिया की बड़ी उपलब्धि बताया और कहा कि इसे और सशक्त बनाने की जरूरत है। हालांकि, उन्होंने इस मौके पर सुविधा संपन्न लोगों और युवाओं में ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों या वंचित वर्ग के लोगों के मुकाबले चुनावों के प्रति अपेक्षाकृत कम उत्साह का भी मुद्दा उठाया और देश के सभी नागरिकों से आग्रह किया कि वह मतदान को राष्ट्र निर्माण में अपना योगदान समझें और 'राष्ट्र सर्वोपरि' की भावना के साथ मतदान अवश्य करें। इस मौके पर सुविधा संपन्न लोगों और युवाओं में ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों या वंचित वर्ग के लोगों के मुकाबले चुनावों के प्रति अपेक्षाकृत कम उत्साह का भी मुद्दा उठाया और देश के सभी नागरिकों से आग्रह किया कि वह मतदान को राष्ट्र निर्माण में अपना योगदान समझें।
The primary purpose of the National Voters Day celebration is to encourage, facilitate, and promote voter registration and participation, particularly among ...
Awards for the best electoral practices were granted to 42 officers and officials at the state and district levels for their performance in election administration. [Delhi](/topic/delhi) of diverse categories were given their Elector Photo Identity Card (EPIC) at the National and the State level functions on the occasion. Singh said all participants took a pledge to uphold the democratic traditions of India and to vote in an ethical manner in every election.
On the occasion, three villages namely Nihokhu, Thizama, and Kiruphema Basa were felicitated for resolving a free and fair election. Certificates of ...
The State Chief Electoral Officer, while wishing all a Happy Voters day, said, it looks forward to a free and fair election in the true spirit of democracy. Speaking at the Programme, Chief Electoral Officer V Shashank Shekhar said, National Voters Day is a day for all citizens to remember their rights and responsibilities as voters. Shekhar on the occasion also recognised and felicitate the efforts of the various stakeholders who have contributed to a better electoral system.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday greeted the people on the National Voters Day. In a tweet, the Prime Minister said: “Greetings on National Voters' ...
Inspired by this year’s theme of ‘Nothing Like Voting, I Vote For Sure’, may we all work together to further strengthen active participation in elections and strengthen our democracy. I also laud ECI for their efforts in this area. I also laud ECI for their efforts in this area.”
13th National Voters' Day is celebrated on 25 January to mark the foundation day of the Election Commission of India.
Dedicated to the voters of the country, the National Voters’ Day is also used to facilitate enrolment of voters, specially the newly eligible young voters. This day is celebrated on 25 January to mark the foundation day of the Election Commission of India. The main purpose of the NVD celebration is to create electoral awareness amongst citizens and encourage them to participate in the electoral process. Election Commission of India is celebrating 13th National Voters’ Day on 25th January 2023. Voting, thus, is prominent in determining the course of people’s lives. The theme for this year’s NVD, ‘Nothing Like Voting, I Vote for Sure’ is dedicated to voters which conveys individual’s feeling and aspiration towards participation in the electoral process through power of their vote.
National Voters Day 2023: भारत 1947 में आजादी के तीन साल बाद 1950 में 26 जनवरी को संविधान लागू किया गया ...
25 जनवरी के दिन राष्ट्रीय मतदाता दिवस मनाने का मुख्य कारण है. जिसके एक दिन पहले यानी 25 जनवरी 1950 को चुनाव आयोग की स्थापना हुई थी, जिसकी वजह से आज भारत के चुनाव आयोग के स्थापना दिवस के दिन ही राष्ट्रीय मतदाता दिवस मनाने का फैसला लिया गया. वोटरों को मतदान के तरफ जागरूक करने के लिए हर वर्ष जनवरी माह में राष्ट्रीय मतदाता दिवस मनाया जाता है.
The Election Commission of India (ECI) is celebrating the 13th National Voters' Day today. On this occasion, President Droupadi Murmu will be the chief guest at ...
Inspired by this year’s theme of ‘Nothing Like Voting, I Vote For Sure’, may we all work together to further strengthen active participation in elections and strengthen our democracy. I also laud ECI for their efforts in this area,” he tweeted. The theme for this year’s National Voters’ Day, ‘Nothing Like Voting, I Vote for Sure’ is dedicated to voters which conveys individual’s feeling and aspiration towards participation in the electoral process through power of their vote.
आज देश 13वां राष्ट्रीय मतदाता दिवस मना रहा है. इस साल वोटर्स डे की थीम 'Nothing Like Voting, ...
ऐसे में वो नोटा के जरिए चुनाव में उतरे किसी भी प्रत्याशी को न चुनने के अधिकार का इस्तेमाल कर सकता है. इस अधिकार के जरिए कोई भी व्यक्ति प्रत्याशियों के चुनाव घोषणा पत्र की जानकारी, उनका वित्तीय लेखा-जोखा और आपराधिक पृष्ठभूमि के बारे में जान सकता है. ये लोग राष्ट्रीय, राज्य, जिला स्तर पर होने वाले चुनावों के साथ स्थानीय सरकारी निकायों के चुनावों में भी वोट देने का अधिकार रखते हैं.
It was in the year 1950 that the first election commission of India came into force. The day reminds the right to vote and focuses on the concept of voting and ...
Warm wishes on National Voters Day. Happy Voters Day. Warm greetings on this important day. The history of this day lies when the Election commission started to spot eligible voters who turned out to be 18 years of age on January 1. And the nation needs the right leader to be selected by the younger generation for the futuristic development of the country. And observing this day spreads the importance of being a part of the country’s electoral process.
In his address at the event, Lucknow's district magistrate Suryapal Gangwar said, “Young voters should fulfill their responsibility and cast vote.”
“By exercising franchise rights, a voter becomes a partner in the country’s development,” he added. Every citizen should participate in the polling process.” In his address at the event, Lucknow’s district magistrate Suryapal Gangwar said, “Young voters should fulfill their responsibility and cast vote.
The district administration on Wednesday celebrated the 13th National Voters' Day at Government College for Girls. Deputy Commissioner Surabhi Malik was the ...
To observe the National Voters’ Day, an awareness was organised by the district administration officials from Spring Dale School to Sherpur Chowk, Ludhiana. Associate Professor Dr Khushdeep Kaur was also honoured with best nodal officer award. On the occasion, several officials were honoured for their work regarding efficient work done in maximum registration of voters in age group 18-19.
State Chief Secretary Dharmendra, while gracing the occasion here, highlighted the importance of the day and urged all eligible voters to enroll in the ...
DC Tayi Taggu reminded everyone that the power for choosing a good and genuine leader always lies in the voter’s hand. He said that enrolment alone is not enough but for a democracy to be effective, equal participation of all is mandatory in the electoral process. On the occasion, the DC administered the pledge to the voters. Addressing the occasion, the DC advised the newly enrolled voters to exercise their adult franchise and to choose the right leader. He further administered the National Voters Day pledge to all the attendees of the program. The chief secretary also administered pledge to the voters on the occasion.