We know poetry is subjective, but why don't you take the quiz below to rate ChatGPT's poetic prowess?
The story of the circle](/news/longform/2023/3/14/what-is-pi-day-the-story-of-the-circle?traffic_source=KeepReading) In order to train ChatGPT, large amounts of text data from articles, blogs, websites and other publicly available text content, were added to the model. - Sestina: a 39-line poem with six stanzas of six lines each and a three-line concluding stanza. [ChatGPT,](https://aje.aj-harbinger.com/news/2023/3/15/how-do-ai-models-like-gpt-4-work-and-how-can-you-start-using-it) an AI-powered chatbot, to the test to see how it would perform in poetry. - Haiku: a three-line poem with a syllable count of five, then seven, then five. [Where in the world can you have the longest retirement?](/news/2023/3/16/where-in-the-world-can-you-have-the-longest-retirement?traffic_source=KeepReading) [When is Ramadan 2023 and how is the moon sighted?](/news/2023/3/16/infographic-when-is-ramadan-2023?traffic_source=KeepReading) [What is Pi Day?
विश्व कवि दिवस 2023 की थीम है “ऑलवेज़ बी अ पोएट, इवेन इन प्रोस।” विश्व कविता दिवस: इतिहास.
These events include poetry readings, workshops, performances, and competitions. International Poetry Day commemorates the launch of new poetry collections and ...
As one of the oldest forms of art, poetry offers numerous techniques for adaptation and refinement. This special day is also dedicated to promoting cultural diversity, building relationships, and fostering peace. The objective of poetry is not easily definable, but it remains a potent and unadulterated means of communication.
Every year, World Poetry Day is celebrated on 21 March with the aim of supporting linguistic diversity through poetic expression.
World Poetry Day not only honours poets, but aims to revive oral traditions of poetry recitals, as well as promote the reading, writing, and teaching of poetry. It’s a call to observe and appreciate the role that poetry can have in everyday life. Let’s enhance the Reading and Writing skills among students.”
People from all over the world express their inner stories and literary prowess.
A good poem helps to change the shape of the universe and helps to extend everyone’s knowledge of himself and the world around him." The world is never the same once a good poem is added. I live like a poet, and I will die like a poet."
The celebration of World Poetry Day on March 21st each year pays tribute to this universal linguistic form that transcends cultural boundaries.
Poetry resonates with the existential challenges of humanity, unearthing profound ideas from within. Poetry is a sublime mode of articulation that engenders a plethora of sentiments and passions not found in any other genre of literature. On this day, educators and classrooms worldwide come together to honor poets and their works, stimulating students' enthusiasm for this literary style.
அழகு சொட்டும் ஓர் எழுத்து இலக்கிய வடிவமே கவிதை. குடும்பம், உறவு, சமுதாயம், உலகம் என ...
பால்யத்துக்குக் கைபிடித்துக் கூட்டிச் செல்கிறது. எங்கேயோ திடீரென நாம் வாசிக்க நேரும் கவிதை, நம்மை வருடிச் செல்கிறது. உலகம் முழுக்க கவிதையை வாசிக்கவும், எழுதவும், வெளியிடவும் கற்பிக்கவும் இந்த தினம் கொண்டாடப்படுகிறது. [#உலககவிதைகள்தினம்] [#WorldPoetryDay] [pic.twitter.com/pJfEkvbiGJ] [March 21, 2023] மகிழ்ச்சி, துக்கம், ஏக்கம், வலி, பெருமிதம் என கவிதையில் உணர்ச்சிகளும் ஏராளம். குடும்பம், உறவு, சமுதாயம், உலகம் என கவிதைக்குப் பாடு பொருட்கள் அதிகம்.
Interview : 'अब तक मेरी कविताओं के चार संकलन प्रकाशित हो चुके हैं और दो अन्य जल्द ही ...
लिखते रहिए और अच्छा लिखते रहिए. लेकिन, उन्हें कविताओं के माध्यम से लोगों तक पहुंचा सकते हैं. अगर काल्पनिक कविताएं पढ़नी है तो मैं अज्ञेय को पढ़ लूंगा. जब दसवीं कक्षा में था तो मैंने एक कविता लिखी थी जिसका अर्थ था कि एक तरफ हम चांद और मंगल पर नई दुनिया खोजने में लगे हैं, लेकिन हमारी अपनी दुनिया में कितनी कमियां हैं, कितनी समस्याएं हैं, इन पर हम बात ही नहीं करना चाहते. हिंदी मीडियम का विद्यार्थी होने के नाते कविताओं से जुड़ाव तो शुरू से ही हो गया था. “नहीं मिलते मुझे खिलौने, ललक नहीं है मुझे इसकी/पर एक ललक जरूर है मन में/हंस हंस के ही बचपन बिताऊं/मोटरगाड़ियों से करने की, मसूरी की सैर/ललक मुझे है इसकी/पर चढ़कर हिमगिरि की चोटी पर/ललक है हिंद का तिरंगा फहराऊं…” ये पंक्तियां करीब 25 साल पहले 1997 में बिहार के गांव के एक बच्चे ने अपनी डायरी में लिखी थीं.
18 years after the Partition, when his parents migrated to Pakistan, Nida Fazli chose to stay.
This was the reality of existence and its crisis in verse,” he said. He absorbed the essence of Mir and Ghalib to express what he intended. It is important to talk about the friendship of Jagjit Singh and Nida Fazli which resulted in a multitude of golden songs. It was as though Jagjit Singh felt the lyrics, immortalising it for the years to come. Fazli composed many lines on the brutality of the politics which manufactured religious fanaticism and eventually led to the partition. After his first visit to Pakistan, Fazli was struck by the idea that people’s suffering and its articulation was similar on both sides of the border.
ChatGPT का जमाना है। तकनीकी क्रांति के इस नए दौर में सबकुछ मशीनी हो गया हो और जीवन इंटरनेट ...
Everything you must learn about World Poetry Day 2023: Its meaning, theme, and historical significance.
As one of the oldest forms of art, poetry offers numerous techniques for adaptation and refinement. This special day is also dedicated to promoting cultural diversity, building relationships, and fostering peace. The objective of poetry is not easily definable, but it remains a potent and unadulterated means of communication.
Keats died at the very young age of 25 in 1821 after contracting tuberculosis. Percy B. Shelley (1792-1822. Shelley drowned at the age of 29 in 1822 with ...
Sylvia Plath committed suicide at the age of 30. Emily left the world at the age of 30 in 1848. Shelley drowned at the age of 29 in 1822 with Keats's poems in his jacket pocket which helped people identify the body.
Earlier today, Royal Mile Primary School P7s took part in an activity morning at the Writers' Museum to mark World Poetry Day - becoming the latest poets to ...