Quit smoking Day

2024 - 3 - 13

Smoking and Brain Health: How Quitting Can Save Your Mind

brain health - dementia - health risks - India - No Smoking Day - quitting smoking - smoking cessation - Sunderland Stop Smoking Service - tobacco - World Health Organization

Discover the shocking link between smoking and dementia risk + expert tips to protect your brain!

No Smoking Day 2024 is a crucial reminder of the harmful effects of smoking on our health, particularly on our brain. Research has shown a significant correlation between smoking and an increased risk of dementia. Smoking damages blood vessels and reduces oxygen supply to the brain, leading to cognitive decline over time. It's time for smokers to beware and take action to safeguard their brain health. Quitting smoking is not only beneficial for your lungs but also crucial for preserving your brain function. By quitting smoking, you can reduce the risk of developing dementia and other brain-related diseases.

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Image courtesy of "India TV"

No Smoking Day 2024: Know how smoking can lead to higher risk of ... (India TV)

Smokers beware! Smoking raises dementia risk. Learn how smoking harms the brain & get expert tips to quit smoking and protect your brain health.

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Image courtesy of "NDTV"

No Smoking Day 2024: Quit Smoking And Embrace A Healthier You (NDTV)

No Smoking Day 2024: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), India is home to 12% of the world's smokers. More than 1 million die each year due to ...

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Image courtesy of "Times of India"

โ€‹No Smoking Day 2024: 10 tips to quit smoking (Times of India)

As the No Smoking Day is here, take the opportunity to commit to a healthier lifestyle by quitting smoking. With these ten practical tips, overcome the ...

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Image courtesy of "India Today"

No Smoking Day 2024: 10 tips to quit smoking (India Today)

This campaign encouraged smokers to break free from their addiction to tobacco. Now, it's more important than ever to spread awareness about the harmful effects ...

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Image courtesy of "Sunderland City Council"

Swap to Stop this No Smoking Day - Sunderland City Council (Sunderland City Council)

Sunderland's Specialist Stop Smoking Service is now a pathfinder for the national 'Swap to Stop' initiative, which allows smokers aged 18 and above to swap ...

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Image courtesy of "Moneycontrol.com"

No Smoking Day: Date, history, significance and 5 ways to help you ... (Moneycontrol.com)

No Smoking Day: On this day, the emphasis is to highlight how smoking tobacco poses a grave threat to human health. Tobacco is a deadly cocktail of over 60 ...

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Image courtesy of "Warrington Borough Council"

Smoking - it's never too late to quit! (Warrington Borough Council)

Smoking is still the single largest preventable cause of death in England โ€“ estimated to account for 64,000 deaths annually. A recent survey with 5,000 local ...

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Image courtesy of "Foundation of Light"

No Smoking Day: What happens when you quit (Foundation of Light)

There are lots of reasons to make a quit attempt and go smokefree: Feel healthier: easier breathing, fewer coughs and colds and less risk of a diseases such as ...

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Image courtesy of "Love Lambeth"

Get Help in Lambeth on No Smoking Day (Love Lambeth)

Anyone wanting to quit smoking in Lambeth can get help from pharmacies, specialists, text messages, a helpline or an app this No Smoking Day.

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