Mohini Ekadashi

2024 - 5 - 19

Unlock the Mysteries of Mohini Ekadashi 2024: Dates, Rituals, and Significance Revealed!

Astrology - Hindu Festivals - Lord Vishnu - Mohini Ekadashi - Vrat

Discover the auspicious dates, fasting rituals, and legends surrounding Mohini Ekadashi 2024. Dive into the spiritual traditions and customs of this sacred day!

Mohini Ekadashi, falling on May 19th in 2024, marks a significant day in the Hindu calendar. Devotees observe this day by fasting and performing puja to seek blessings from Lord Vishnu. The fast ends on the Dwadashi tithi, the next day after Ekadashi, with specific timings for the vrat parana. This Ekadashi, known as Mohini Ekadashi, holds great importance as it is believed to be closely linked to the birth of Rahu and Ketu.

Legend has it that on Mohini Ekadashi, Lord Vishnu incarnated as Mohini to save the Devas from the Asuras, showcasing the divine play of the cosmic forces. This auspicious day is also associated with the tradition of donating cows, considered highly meritorious in Hinduism. In temples across India, special decorations and rituals adorn the idols of the deities on this sacred day, amplifying the spiritual fervor.

In Jaipur, the capital city, Mohini Ekadashi is celebrated with elaborate rituals and fasting on the Shukla Paksha of Vaishakh month. Devotees throng to temples, immersing themselves in prayers and devotional activities, creating a serene atmosphere filled with spiritual energy. In Dharmnagari, the pious festival of Mohini Ekadashi witnesses devotees engaging in the traditional Panchkosi Parikrama and early morning worship in temples, symbolizing a deep reverence for the divine.

As the Mohini Ekadashi approaches, let's delve deeper into the rituals and significance of this sacred day, embracing the spiritual resonance that transcends time and connects us to the divine forces at play.

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