Nirjala Ekadashi Kab Hai

2024 - 6 - 16

Nirjala Ekadashi 2024: Date, Puja Vidhi, and Shubh Muhurat Revealed!

nirjala ekadashi 2024 date -- nirjala ekadashi 2024 date and time Fasting rituals - Hindu traditions - Lord Vishnu - Nirjala Ekadashi - Sacred fasting - nirjala ekadashi 2024 date - nirjala ekadashi 2024 date and time

Are you ready for Nirjala Ekadashi 2024? Get the date, fasting rituals, and auspicious timings here! #NirjalaEkadashi #VishnuPuja

Nirjala Ekadashi, a significant day dedicated to the worship of Lord Vishnu, is a sacred observance in the Hindu calendar. Fasting on this Ekadashi day and performing the rituals with devotion is believed to bring blessings and prosperity. The upcoming Nirjala Ekadashi in 2024 falls on 18th June. This vrat entails complete abstinence from water, as prescribed in the scriptures, symbolizing a strict and dedicated form of fasting.

Nirjala Ekadashi vrat, observed during the Jyeshtha month, is considered one of the most auspicious Ekadashis with the potential to fulfill all desires. The significance of this fasting day lies in its ability to bestow spiritual merits and blessings from Sri Hari. Tripushkar Yoga aligns with Nirjala Ekadashi in 2024, creating a highly favorable celestial alignment that enhances the spiritual benefits of the vrat. From auspicious timings to performing aarti, this Ekadashi offers a profound opportunity for spiritual growth and divine connection.

As the devotees prepare to observe Nirjala Ekadashi, the rigorous fasting traditions and adherence to strict rules make it a challenging yet rewarding vrat. The vrat culminates with the parana ritual, breaking the fast the following day. This annual observance in the Jyeshtha month's Shukla Paksha is a time-honored tradition that showcases deep devotion and commitment to spiritual practices.

Intriguingly, Nirjala Ekadashi is known for its rigorous fasting rules, strictly prohibiting the consumption of food and water for a full 24 hours. This intense form of fasting is believed to cleanse the body and soul, leading to spiritual purification and heightened consciousness. The date for Nirjala Ekadashi is awaited with anticipation by devotees seeking spiritual upliftment and divine blessings.

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Image courtesy of "Hindustan हिंदी"

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